【讨论】分享一个 Neovim 插件 Yode-nvim,不知道 Emacs 有没有实现过类似功能

大概意思就是跨文件的 narrow region 编辑,减少干扰项。

Yode-Nvim - Focused Code Editing_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


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hoschi/yode-nvim: Yode plugin for NeoVim

Focus on the important parts of the code. Hide the rest, literally. With Yode-Nvim you can go deeper than the file level, picking out the lines that are important for the current task. Whether you want to focus on important parts of a large file, or collect small parts of many files, you can see everything at a glance. Zoom from the focused part back into the file to briefly expand your context or adjust your focus. Everything happens in the editor, the rest of the tool chain still works, this makes Yode-Nvim work for any programming language, framework, etc.

For the past six months, I’ve been using this MVP in its various stages in development for Yode-Nvim itself. Currently I am working on fixing minor bugs and integrating more plugins.

作者 2017 年在油管介绍过自己的理念,今年发展成了一个比较稳定的 Neovim 插件。


clone-indirect-buffer-other-window + narrow 可实现,我用很久了。

还有一个现成的包 EmacsWiki: Narrow Indirect ,我没用过。

3 个赞