** Dired操作:
1. Entering Dired: C-x d
2. Navigation: C-n C-p
3. Delete files: d, x, D
4. Flagging many files at once:
1) # (file start with #)
2) ~ (flag all backup files whose name end with ~)
3) % d regexp (delete all match regex)
5. Visiting Files
- f or e (visit current file)
- o (another window to display and switch fucus)
- C-o (visit but not switch focus)
- v (view-mode)
- ^ (dired-up)
6. Dired Marks vs. Flags
- * * excutable files
- * m mark
- * @ symbolic link
- * / directory
- * u remove the current
- U remove all
- % m regex
7. Operatons on files
- C copy
- D delete
- R rename
- H hardlink
- S symblic link
- Z, c
8. Shell Commands in Dired
- 这次阅读最大的收获, 可以直接 & 和 X
9. Transform files names
- % u Uppper-case
- % l lowercase
10. File comparision
- dired-diff
11. Subdirectory in Dired
- i
12. Subdirectories switch in Dired
13. Moving Over Subdirectories
14. Hiding Subdirectories
15. Updating the Dired Buffer
16. Dired and find
17. Editing the dired Buffer
18. View Images thumbnails
顶, 坚持写完。
** Register操作归纳
M-x view-register r
# 以下所有的命令最后一个letter, 可以自定义为a-z等任何字母.
1. Saving Positions in Registers
C-x r r (register r)
# 可以自定义为 C-x r a (能记住便好)
C-x r j r (register jump to r)
2. Saving Text in Registers
C-x r s t (register save to r) "text"
# 修改为C-x r s t (t for text)
C-x r i t (regiester insert to r) "text"
M-x append-to-register t
M-x prepend-to-register t
3. Saving Rectangles in Registers
C-x r r e (rectangle region to e);
# 此处省略一个r, 完整语义(C-x r r r e)
# r been taken so use e for rectangle
register rectangle region to e
C-x r i e(rectangle insert to e )
4. Saving Window Configurations in Registers
C-x r w w (register window to w)
# 很好用的命令, 可以早上8点保存一个布局,晚上再看看, 临时记住的布局用winner-mode
C-x r f f (register frameset to f)
C-x r j f (jump)
5. Keeping Numbers in Registers
No practical value.
6. Keeping File Names in Registers
(set-register r '(file . name))
(set-register ?z '(file . "/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/src/ChangeLog")
# prelude for bookmarks
7. Keyboard Macro Registers
C-x r m (register bookmark for the current file)
C-x r m a-name
C-x r M (not overwrite)
C-x r b bookmark (jump or write)
C-x r l (list all bookmarks)
M-x bookmark-save
M-x bookmark-load filename
M-x bookmark-write filename
M-x bookmark-delete bookmark
M-x bookmark-insert-location bookmark
两步安装doom-emacs, 可以实现此项目内的所有操作.
4. Emacs as a Notebook by Org
Appendix D: Email Management
- **Documents Structure**
- Visibility Cycling
+ C-u C-u TAB :: Switch back to the startup visibility of the buffer
+ C-u C-u TAB :: org-set-startup-visibility
+ C-c C-k :: outline-show-branche
+ C-c C-x b :: org-tree-to-indirect-buffer
+ C-c C-j org-goto :: Jump to a different place without changing the current outline visibility.
- Structure Editing
* C-RET :: org-insert-heading-respect-content
* M-S-RET :: org-insert-todo-headin
* C-S-RET :: org-insert-todo-heading-respect-content
* TAB :: org-cycle
* M-LEFT :: org-do-promote
* M-RIGHT :: org-do-demote
* M-S-LEFT :: org-promote-subtree
* M-S-RIGHT :: org-demote-subtree
* M-UP :: org-move-subtree-up
* M-DOWN :: org-move-subtree-down
* C-c @ :: org-mark-subtree
* C-c C-x C-w :: org-cut-subtree
* C-c C-x M-w :: org-copy-subtree
* C-c C-w :: org-refile
* C-c ^ :: org-sort
* C-x n s :: org-narrow-to-subtree
* C-x n b :: org-narrow-to-block
* C-x n w :: widen
* C-c * :: org-toggle-heading
- Motion
- Sparse Tree
+ C-c / :: org-sparse-tree
- Plain Lists
* TAB :: org-cycle
* M-RET :: org-insert-heading
* M-S-RET :: insert a new item with a checkbox
* M-UP and M-DOWN :: move the items up and down
* M-LEFT and M-RIGHT :: Decreae/increase the indentation
* M-S-LEFT and M-S-RIGHT :: Decrease/increase indentations
* C-c C-c :: toggle checkbox
* C-c - :: Cycle different bullets
* S-LEFT and S-RIGHT :: cycles bullet styles
* C-c * :: Turn a plain list item into a headline
* C-c C-* :: Turn the whole plain list into a subtree of the current heading. ()
* C-c ^ :: Sort the plain list.
- Drawer
+ C-c C-x d :: org-insert-drawer
+ C-c C-z :: Add a time-stamped note
- Blocks
- **Tables**
- Built-in Table Editor
+ C-c | :: org-table-create-or-convert-from-region
- Column Width and Alignment
+ C-c C-c :: org-table-align
+ M-LEFT and M-RIGHT :: org-table-move-column-right
+ M-S-LEFT and M-S-RIGHT :: org-table-delete-column and org-table-insert-column
+ M-UP and M-DOWN :: org-table-move-row-up and org-table-move-row-down
+ S-UP and S-DOWN :: org-table-move-cell-up and org-table-move-cell-down
+ M-S-UP :: org-table-kill-row
+ M-S-DOWN :: org-table-insert-row
+ C-c - :: org-table-insert-hline
+ C-c RET :: org-table-hline-and-move
+ C-c ^ :: org-table-sort-lines
+ C-c + :: org-table-sum
+ S-RET :: org-table-copy-down √
+ C-c TAB :: org-table-toggle-column-widt
+ C-u C-c TAB :: org-table-shrink
+ C-u C-u C-c TAB :: org-table-expand
- Column Groups
+ <> :: Column Groups
- The Orgtbl Minor Mode
+ M-x orgtbl-mode ::
- The Spreadsheet
- Org Plot
- **Hyperlinks**
+ internal link :: =[[internal-link]]=
+ file:projects.org::regex
+ gnus:group
+ shell:ls
+ elisp:(find_file "elisp.org")
+ elisp:org-agenda
在竞聘管理员, 差了20多票, 抽空给个支持.
此处提到两处弥足珍贵的键位绑定竟然空了出来, 没有被emacs作为绑定键使用。因而有机会将其自定义为”向上半屏翻页“和“向下半屏翻页”。
meta-n 调用 scroll-half-page-down, meta-p调用scroll-half-page-up。
然而,这个方法并不好用,尤其是快速浏览org笔记的时候,会被晃得晕头转向,还不如繁琐的M-r C-l C-l
而因为M-r C-l C-l
过于繁琐,出于本能,需要快速浏览的时候,就会只是快速的按键 C-n 不断地下一行。
(scroll-up (/ (window-body-height) 2)))
(scroll-up (/ (window-body-height) 3)))
用了一段时间,尝试了不同的数值,三分很好用也符合直觉。速览的时候,M-n 然后 C-n再精确定位。
将函数名重新定义为 previous-multilines 与单行的previous-line保持一致。
(defun previous-multilines ()
"scroll down half the page"
(scroll-down (/ (window-body-height) 3)))
(defun next-multilines ()
"scroll up half the page"
(scroll-up (/ (window-body-height) 3)))
(global-set-key "\M-n" 'next-multilines) ;;custom
(global-set-key "\M-p" 'previous-multilines) ;;custom
退格删除则按键 backspace(Macbook上没有backspace键,可以将delete擦掉,改成backspace),backspace语义化对应backwords。
C-backspace 退格删除一个字符
M-backspace 退格删除一个word
进格删除的forward绑定到了字符 d(d for delete) 键上,
C-d 进格删除一个字符
M-d 进格删除一个word
C-k 进格删除到行尾
M-k 进格删除到句尾
C-x Backsapce 退格删除到行首
最后,忘掉delete键,d 就是语义化的 delete。多余的delete键会引发逻辑上混乱。