dynamic block自定义列宽

我之前看到混用 org-ql、columnview、org-roam、org-capture、org-super-links 塑造我的笔记流程里面yibie用到dynamic block的功能,自己去试了试,做了一个物品管理数据库。我的使用场景中在包括物品的名称和物品的使用场景引用的几个field里可能会变很长,所以我希望能够固定列宽。但是复制yibie的写法并不能固定列宽(虽然他还有暗无天日的文章里都有设置列宽的方法)。


我看了下代码,columns和columnview :format会把相关的width会被储存到一些org-columns-*的变量,org-table-shrink没有检查这些变量,好像只有检查<N>,所以需要一个patch把width信息从org-columns-current-fmt-compiled或者org-columns-current-maxwidths里接到输出的org-table里面,做一行<N>出来。

我把org-dblock-write:columnview稍微改了一下。如果设置:vline t的话,这个函数本来就会在底部加一行<>,但是里面没有东西。我把它拿出来做了一个:width的param,专门在底部加<N>

我看见好像几个版本前有一个:width t的param可以设置生成的org-table的列宽,不知道我是不是给它改回去了。

(after! org
  (defun hermanhel/org-dblock-write:columnview (params)
  "Write the column view table.

PARAMS is a property list of parameters:

`:id' (mandatory)

    The ID property of the entry where the columns view should be
    built.  When the symbol `local', call locally.  When `global'
    call column view with the cursor at the beginning of the
    buffer (usually this means that the whole buffer switches to
    column view).  When \"file:path/to/file.org\", invoke column
    view at the start of that file.  Otherwise, the ID is located
    using `org-id-find'.


    List of tags to exclude from column view table.


    When non-nil, specify the column view format to use.


    When non-nil, insert a hline before each item.  When
    a number, insert a hline before each level inferior or equal
    to that number.


    When non-nil, indent each ITEM field according to its level.


    When set to a string, use this as a tags/property match filter.


    When set to a number, don't capture headlines below this level.


    When non-nil, skip rows where all specifiers other than ITEM
    are empty.


    When non-nil, make each column a column group to enforce
    vertical lines.


    When non-nil, add a row of <N> at the bottom. N is the 
    widths set in the format."
  (let ((table
	 (let ((id (plist-get params :id))
	       view-file view-pos)
	   (pcase id
	     (`global nil)
	     ((or `local `nil) (setq view-pos (point)))
	     ((and (let id-string (format "%s" id))
		   (guard (string-match "^file:\\(.*\\)" id-string)))
	      (setq view-file (match-string-no-properties 1 id-string))
	      (unless (file-exists-p view-file)
		(user-error "No such file: %S" id-string)))
	     ((and (let idpos (org-find-entry-with-id id)) (guard idpos))
	      (setq view-pos idpos))
	     ((let `(,filename . ,position) (org-id-find id))
	      (setq view-file filename)
	      (setq view-pos position))
	     (_ (user-error "Cannot find entry with :ID: %s" id)))
	   (with-current-buffer (if view-file (get-file-buffer view-file)
	      (when view-pos (goto-char view-pos))
	      (org-columns--capture-view (plist-get params :maxlevel)
					 (plist-get params :match)
					 (plist-get params :skip-empty-rows)
					 (plist-get params :exclude-tags)
					 (plist-get params :format)
    (when table
      ;; Prune level information from the table.  Also normalize
      ;; headings: remove stars, add indentation entities, if
      ;; required, and possibly precede some of them with a horizontal
      ;; rule.
      (let ((item-index
	     (let ((p (assoc "ITEM" org-columns-current-fmt-compiled)))
	       (and p (cl-position p
				   :test #'equal))))
	    (hlines (plist-get params :hlines))
	    (indent (plist-get params :indent))
	;; Copy header and first rule.
	(push (pop table) new-table)
	(push (pop table) new-table)
	(dolist (row table (setq table (nreverse new-table)))
	  (let ((level (car row)))
	    (when (and (not (eq (car new-table) 'hline))
		       (or (eq hlines t)
			   (and (numberp hlines) (<= level hlines))))
	      (push 'hline new-table))
	    (when item-index
	      (let ((item (org-columns--clean-item (nth item-index (cdr row)))))
		(setf (nth item-index (cdr row))
		      (if (and indent (> level 1))
			  (concat "\\_" (make-string (* 2 (1- level)) ?\s) item)
	    (push (cdr row) new-table))))
      (when (plist-get params :vlines)
	(setq table
	      (let ((size (length org-columns-current-fmt-compiled)))
		(append (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (eq 'hline x) x (cons "" x)))
			(list (cons
                               ;; (make-list size "<>") ;;我改了的地方
                               (reverse (cl-reduce (lambda (result newelt) (cons (format "<%s>" (nth 2 newelt)) result)) org-columns-current-fmt-compiled :initial-value '() ))
      ;; add a line of <N> at bottom to convert columnsview column widths to org-table wolumn widths ;;还有这里
      (when (and (not (plist-get params :vlines)) (plist-get params :width) )(setq table (append table
               ;; (make-list size "<>")
               (reverse (cl-reduce (lambda (result newelt) (cons (format "<%s>" (nth 2 newelt)) result)) org-columns-current-fmt-compiled :initial-value '() ))
      (let ((content-lines (org-split-string (plist-get params :content) "\n"))
	;; Insert affiliated keywords before the table.
	(when content-lines
	  (while (string-match-p "\\`[ \t]*#\\+" (car content-lines))
	    (insert (pop content-lines) "\n")))
	  ;; Insert table at point.
	   (mapconcat (lambda (row)
			(if (eq row 'hline) "|-|"
			  (format "|%s|" (mapconcat #'identity row "|"))))
	  ;; Insert TBLFM lines following table.
	  (let ((case-fold-search t))
	    (dolist (line content-lines)
	      (when (string-match-p "\\`[ \t]*#\\+TBLFM:" line)
		(insert "\n" line)
		(unless recalc (setq recalc t))))))
	(when recalc (org-table-recalculate 'all t))

  (defun org-dblock-write:columnview (params)
      (hermanhel/org-dblock-write:columnview params)

1 个赞


我把你贴上的代码复制到 init.el 里面吗?


在你的org-colview.el里有一个org-dblock-write:columnview函数,在dynamic block更新的时候触发它。你需要用这个函数覆盖它。如果你用的doom的话,after!macro可以保证这个函数定义在org-colview加载之后发生(不过这个文件一开始可能没加载,你可能需要先执行org-columns)。

我不太清楚init.el的发生顺序,但你只要保证先load org,再定义这个函数就好,像是放在use-package org:custom里就可以


如果怎么都不加载,也可以在外面套一个interactive的函数,在更新dynamic block之前运行一下。(defun set-columnview-function () (interactive) (上面的snippet))`

我的情况,我看它没有列宽行就跳到我的config.el里手动C-x C-e一遍ww

1 个赞

我这里是这样。每一列会变成<N>个字符+…, 不过好像是可以改…成其他符号。
