org-download 目前在windows下已经失效了,我看修复的pr也没有合并(新的pr看起来引入了额外的依赖),然后就查了查网上其他的资料,最后结合 ai 搞出来了这段代码
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(defun paste-img ()
(let* ((file-path (buffer-file-name))
(directory (if file-path
(file-name-directory file-path)
(error "No associated file for the current buffer")))
(image-directory (expand-file-name "image" directory))
(timestamp (format-time-string "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"))
(format (completing-read "Select image form:" '("png" "jpg")))
(image-name (format "image_%s.%s" timestamp format))
(image-path (expand-file-name image-name image-directory))
(image-format (if (string= format "jpg") "Jpeg" "Png"))
(script (format "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; $clipboardImage = [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetImage(); if ($clipboardImage -ne $null) { $clipboardImage.Save('%s', [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::%s); Write-Host 'Image saved'; } else { Write-Host 'No image in clipboard'; }" image-path image-format)))
(unless (file-exists-p image-directory)
(make-directory image-directory t))
(call-process "pwsh" nil nil nil "-Command" script)
(if (file-exists-p image-path)
(insert (format "[[file:%s]]" (concat "image/" image-name))) ;
(message "Image successfully saved to: %s" image-path))
(message "No image in clipboard or image not saved")))))
2 个赞
如果用的是 最新的 emacs org-9.7 ,可以用自带的 yank-media
,能粘贴网络图片并且选择不同的格式。它理论上能处理其他情况,但我在粘贴系统截屏的遇到 bug ,从没有成功过。(我的系统是 gnome, 相关的 bug 是 bug#72254: 29.4; Cannot yank media when image come from Gnome-shell scre )
最新是指 master分支?
还是stable版本 29
刚刚查了一下,这是 org 9.7 引入的功能:Release notes | Org mode
New features
Images and files in clipboard can be pasted
Org asks the user what must be done when pasting images and files copied to the clipboard from a file manager using the yank-media command. The default action can be set by customizing org-yank-dnd-method. The yank-media command was added in Emacs 29.
嗯,我尝试了一下,然后提示我没有对应org mode的handle
你的 org 版本是 9.7 吗,目前 release 的 emacs-29.4 内置 org 版本还是旧的。
如果正常的话,在粘贴网络图片时不需要任何配置就可以成功运行。另外要注意目前也不支持 windows :
Note that yank-media, as of Emacs 30, does not yet support Windows (Emacs bug#71909) and may not be always reliable on Mac (Emacs bug#71731).
我自己试的时候也只有复制然后 M-x yank-media
能用。拖拽功能根据更新文档上说的也实现了,但就是不能用,问题估计还是在 emacs 本体这边,只能等以后修复了。
这个函数支持从 Windows 剪贴板复制图片, 理论它适用所有 mode…
要想改变要保存的路径, 可以理解:
(attach-dir (concat current-dir “attach/” file-name-base “/”))
;; 支持 Windows 从剪贴板复制图片
(defun freedom/insert-image-from-clipboard ()
"Insert an image from the clipboard into the current org buffer."
(let* ((current-dir (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
(file-name-base (file-name-base buffer-file-name))
(attach-dir (concat current-dir "attach/" file-name-base "/"))
;; (attach-dir (concat current-dir "attach/" (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "/"))
(image-file (concat attach-dir (format-time-string "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") ".png")))
;; Ensure attach directory exists
(unless (file-exists-p attach-dir)
(make-directory attach-dir t))
;; Save the clipboard image to the attach directory
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(shell-command (concat "powershell -command \"Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetImage().Save('" image-file "', [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Png)\""))
;; 转换格式, 从 c:/Users/Jack/Desktop/attact/test/clipboard.png 之类
;; 转换成 ./attach/test/clipboard.png
(setq image-file (replace-regexp-in-string
"^[^:]+:/.*\\(/attach/.*\\)" ".\\1" image-file))
(when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
;; 输入文件所在位置文本
(insert (concat "[[file:" image-file "]]"))
;; 显示图片
(when (eq major-mode 'markdown-mode)
(insert (concat "![]" "(" image-file ")"))
(error "Unsupported OS"))
2 个赞
2025 年2 月 3 日 11:54
我是直接用 powershell 写了一个写粘贴板图像到文件的脚本,然后打包成 .exe,再用 elisp 调用这个 .exe