
I am working on editing the following text

3. Series
a. creating a series
- dict
- ndarray
- scalar
- lists

b. slicing

The desired edited result is

3. Series
  a. creating a series
    - dict
    - ndarray
    - scalar
    - lists
  b. slicing

Get it down with a cumbersome steps line by line

  1. cursor on head of line a.creating a sereis, invoking C-2 space
  2. cursor to head of next line, invoking C-u space
  3. repeat step 2 to line -list
  4. repeat step 1 to line b.slicing

Detoured by that, because the straightforward operations do not work

  1. place cursor on front of line and invoke Tab, they stay still.
  2. do batch operations to select them all then invoking C-2 space, also take no effects.

Is it possible to get the job done with an easy solution?

It seems that you are editing the list in .org-mode.

Put cursor at the end of parent item, use ctrl-j to new an indented line aligned with the bullet, then continue to create the child item.

Or, enter to new a line, Alt-Arrow-key to demote the item after you have the child item created.

Edit: Alt-Enter can new a item with bullet.

1 个赞

棒, C-j新建很好用,


a. creating a series
- dict
- ndarray
- scalar
- lists

与a.并列的-dict等四个一次性demote, (这个列表不是创建的, 是从网页中复制的


1 个赞

不行, 提示 "this command is active in special context like tables, headlines or items "

选择 dict行到lists行,然后再试试。我这边是可以的。而且提示内容里也说了支持list。

1 个赞