
花了一个小时弄了点ugly hack 效果如下

(defun *twittering-generate-format-table (status-sym prefix-sym)
  `(("%" . "%")
    ("}" . "}")
    ("#" . (cdr (assq 'id ,status-sym)))
    ("'" . (when (cdr (assq 'truncated ,status-sym))
    ("c" .
     (let ((system-time-locale "C"))
       (format-time-string "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y"
                           (cdr (assq 'created-at ,status-sym)))))
    ("d" . (cdr (assq 'user-description ,status-sym)))
    ("f" .
      (cdr (assq 'source ,status-sym)) ,status-sym))
    ("i" .
     (when (and twittering-icon-mode window-system)
       (let ((url
               ((and twittering-use-profile-image-api
                     (eq twittering-service-method 'twitter)
                     (or (null twittering-convert-fix-size)
                         (member twittering-convert-fix-size '(48 73))))
                (let ((user (cdr (assq 'user-screen-name ,status-sym)))
                       (if (or (null twittering-convert-fix-size)
                               (= 48 twittering-convert-fix-size))
                  (format "http://%s/%s/%s.xml?size=%s" twittering-api-host
                          (twittering-api-path "users/profile_image") user size)))
                (cdr (assq 'user-profile-image-url ,status-sym))))))
         (twittering-make-icon-string nil nil url))))
    ("I" .
     (let* ((entities (cdr (assq 'entity ,status-sym)))
       (mapc (lambda (url-info)
               (setq text (or (cdr (assq 'media-url url-info)) "")))
             (cdr (assq 'media entities)))
       (if (string-equal "" text)
         (let ((twittering-convert-fix-size 360))
           (twittering-make-icon-string nil nil text)))))
    ("j" . (cdr (assq 'user-id ,status-sym)))
    ("L" .
     (let ((location (or (cdr (assq 'user-location ,status-sym)) "")))
       (unless (string= "" location)
         (concat " [" location "]"))))
    ("l" . (cdr (assq 'user-location ,status-sym)))
    ("p" . (when (cdr (assq 'user-protected ,status-sym))
    ("r" .
     (let ((reply-id (or (cdr (assq 'in-reply-to-status-id ,status-sym)) ""))
           (reply-name (or (cdr (assq 'in-reply-to-screen-name ,status-sym))
            (cdr (assq 'recipient-screen-name ,status-sym))))
       (let* ((pair
                 (cons (format "sent to %s" recipient-screen-name)
                       (twittering-get-status-url recipient-screen-name)))
                ((and (not (string= "" reply-id))
                      (not (string= "" reply-name)))
                 (cons (format "in reply to %s" reply-name)
                       (twittering-get-status-url reply-name reply-id)))
                (t nil)))
              (str (car pair))
              (url (cdr pair))
               (list 'mouse-face 'highlight 'face 'twittering-uri-face
                     'keymap twittering-mode-on-uri-map
                     'uri url
                     'front-sticky nil
                     'rear-nonsticky t)))
         (when (and str url)
           (concat " " (apply 'propertize str properties))))))
    ("R" .
     (let ((retweeted-by
            (or (cdr (assq 'retweeting-user-screen-name ,status-sym)) "")))
       (unless (string= "" retweeted-by)
         (concat " (retweeted by " retweeted-by ")"))))
    ("S" .
      (cdr (assq 'user-name ,status-sym)) ,status-sym))
    ("s" .
      (cdr (assq 'user-screen-name ,status-sym)) ,status-sym))
    ("U" .
     (twittering-make-fontified-tweet-unwound ,status-sym))
    ;; ("D" .
    ;;  (twittering-make-fontified-tweet-unwound ,status-sym))
    ("T" .
       `(twittering-make-fontified-tweet-text-with-entity ,status-sym)
       twittering-regexp-hash twittering-regexp-atmark))
    ("t" .
       `(twittering-make-fontified-tweet-text-with-entity ,status-sym)
       twittering-regexp-hash twittering-regexp-atmark))
    ("u" . (cdr (assq 'user-url ,status-sym)))))
  (advice-add #'twittering-generate-format-table :override #'*twittering-generate-format-table)
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