
不知道你们知不知道,叫vmtouch,Virtual Memory Toucher





vmtouch is a tool for learning about and controlling the file system cache of unix and unix-like systems. It is BSD licensed so you can basically do whatever you want with it.


Locking files into memory so the OS won’t evict them

我试了试把emacs.d锁在内存里能加快加载速度。我平时加载1.4-6秒,锁内存能让加载缩短到1秒左右。不过我的本来就短也看不出什么来…… 你们也可以试试看看效果如何。:smile:

3 个赞

感觉可以把整个org包塞进去。。。每次lazy load都花好久。。。

我好像之前按陈斌的一个教程锁过,就是更新package的时候有点麻烦,我的emacs在7700k+960Evo上启动基本也就3s左右(300个Package),效果也不明显, 就算了。

你们都是怎么弄出来上百个包的… 我现在用了大概40个已经不知道还有什么包可用了

感觉我builtin 的软件就不止40个啊。。。

  ace-link         h 20180101… installed              Quickly follow links 
  ace-window       h 20180123… installed              Quickly switch windows. 
  adaptive-wrap    h 0.5.1     installed              Smart line-wrapping with wrap-prefix 
  add-node-modules…h 20170914… installed              Add node_modules to your exec-path 
  aggressive-indenth 20171012… installed              Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented 
  alert            h 20180122… installed              Growl-style notification system for Emacs 
  all-the-icons    h 20180125… installed              A library for inserting Developer icons 
  all-the-icons-di…  20170418… installed              Shows icons for each file in dired mode 
  anaconda-mode    h 20180209… installed              Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python 
  anzu             h 20161017… installed              Show number of matches in mode-line while searching 
  async            h 20180119… installed              Asynchronous processing in Emacs 
  atomic-chrome    h 20171116… installed              Edit Chrome text area with Emacs using Atomic Chrome 
  auctex           h 12.1.0    installed              Integrated environment for *TeX* 
  auctex-latexmk   h 20170618… installed              Add LatexMk support to AUCTeX 
  auto-compile     h 20180111… installed              automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries 
  auto-highlight-s…h 20130313… installed              Automatic highlighting current symbol minor mode 
  auto-yasnippet   h 20160925… installed              Quickly create disposable yasnippets 
  avy              h 20171230… installed              Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly. 
  bind-key         h 20171210… installed              A simple way to manage personal keybindings 
  bind-map         h 20161207… installed              Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations 
  blog-admin         20170923… installed              Blog admin for emacs with hexo/org-page supported 
  browse-at-remote   20171115… installed              Open github/gitlab/bitbucket/stash page from Emacs 
  centered-cursor-…h 20180112… installed              cursor stays vertically centered 
  chinese-word-at-…h 20170811… installed              Add `chinese-word' thing to `thing-at-point' 
  cmake-font-lock  h 20170117… installed              Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake 
  cmake-ide        h 20180212… installed              Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags 
  cmake-mode         20180104… installed              major-mode for editing CMake sources 
  coffee-mode      h 20170324… installed              Major mode for CoffeeScript code 
  color-identifier…h 20170814… installed              Color identifiers based on their names 
  column-enforce-m…h 20171030… installed              Highlight text that extends beyond a  column 
  company          h 20180211… installed              Modular text completion framework 
  company-anaconda h 20171222… installed              Anaconda backend for company-mode 
  company-auctex   h 20161025… installed              Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX 
  company-c-headers  20170531… installed              Company mode backend for C/C++ header files 
  company-restclie…h 20151202… installed              company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode 
  company-shell    h 20170517… installed              Company mode backend for shell functions 
  company-statisti…h 20170210… installed              Sort candidates using completion history 
  company-tern     h 20161004… installed              Tern backend for company-mode 
  company-web      h 20171111… installed              Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes 
  concurrent       h 20161228… installed              Concurrent utility functions for emacs lisp 
  counsel          h 20180211… installed              Various completion functions using Ivy 
  counsel-css      h 20170304… installed              stylesheet-selector-aware swiper 
  counsel-etags    h 20180213… installed              Fast and complete Ctags/Etags solution using ivy 
  counsel-projecti…h 20180213… installed              Ivy integration for Projectile 
  ctable           h 20171005… installed              Table component for Emacs Lisp 
  cuda-mode          20151213… installed              NVIDIA CUDA Major Mode 
  cython-mode        20180213… installed              Major mode for editing Cython files 
  dash               20180206… installed              A modern list library for Emacs 
  dash-at-point    h 20140626… installed              Search the word at point with Dash 
  dash-functional    20180107… installed              Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp 
  deferred         h 20170901… installed              Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp 
  deft             h 20180112… installed              
  diff-hl          h 20180201… installed              
  diminish         h 20170419… installed          
  discover-my-majorh 20170113… installed 
  doom-themes      h 20180205… installed   
  dumb-jump          20180123… installed       
  eacl             h 20180204… installed              
  edit-indirect    h 20170928… installed         
  editorconfig     h 20180211… installed        
  elisp-slime-nav  h 20160128… installed     
  emmet-mode       h 20161113… installed   
  engine-mode      h 20170812… installed     
  epc              h 20140609… installed              
  epl              h 20180205… installed              
  esh-help         h 20170829… installed            
  eshell-prompt-ex…h 20180109… installed    
  eshell-z         h 20170116… installed              
  eval-sexp-fu       20131230… installed           
  evil               20180126… installed             
  evil-anzu        h 20170123… installed       
  evil-iedit-state h 20160905… installed     
  evil-lion        h 20170810… installed         
  evil-magit       h 20171213… installed      
  evil-matchit     h 20180131… installed     
  evil-nerd-commen…h 20171206… install
  evil-numbers     h 20140606… installed   
  evil-org         h 20180116… installed         
  evil-search-high…  20170522… installed 
  evil-surround      20180102… installed              emulate surround.vim from Vim 
  evil-tutor       h 20150102… installed              Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode 
  evil-visual-mark…  20150202… installed              Display evil marks on buffer 
  evil-visualstar  h 20160222… installed              Starts a * or # search from the visual selection 
  expand-region      20171217… installed              Increase selected region by semantic units. 
  f                h 20180106… installed              Modern API for working with files and directories 
  fill-column-indi…  20171209… installed              Graphically indicate the fill column 
  find-file-in-pro…h 20180201… installed              Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere 
  flx              h 20151030… installed              fuzzy matching with good sorting 
  flycheck         h 20180211… installed              On-the-fly syntax checking 
  flycheck-pos-tip h 20170504… installed              Display Flycheck errors in GUI tooltips 
  flymd            h 20160617… installed              On the fly markdown preview 
  flyspell-correct h 20171205… installed              correcting words with flyspell via custom interface 
  flyspell-correct…h 20161031… installed              correcting words with flyspell via ivy interface 
  focus            h 20171203… installed              Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections 
  font-lock+       h 20180101… installed              Enhancements to standard library `font-lock.el'. 
  fuzzy              20150729… installed              Fuzzy Matching 
  ghub             h 20180201… installed              minuscule client library for the Github API 
  git-commit       h 20180202… installed              Edit Git commit messages 
  git-link         h 20170603… installed              Get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab URL for a buffer location 
  git-messenger    h 20170101… installed              Pop up last commit information of current line 
  git-timemachine  h 20180208… installed              Walk through git revisions of a file 
  gitattributes-mo…h 20170118… installed              Major mode for editing .gitattributes files 
  gitconfig-mode   h 20170627… installed              Major mode for editing .gitconfig files 
  github-browse-fi…h 20160205… installed              View the file you're editing on GitHub 
  gitignore-mode   h 20160319… installed              Major mode for editing .gitignore files 
  glsl-mode        h 20170927… installed              major mode for Open GLSL shader files 
  gntp               20141024… installed              Growl Notification Protocol for Emacs 
  gnuplot            20141231… installed              drive gnuplot from within emacs 
  golden-ratio       20150819… installed              Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio 
  google-c-style     20180130… installed              Google's C/C++ style for c-mode 
  goto-chg         h 20180105… installed              goto last change 
  haml-mode        h 20170923… installed              Major mode for editing Haml files 
  helm             h 20180212… installed              Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework 
  helm-core        h 20180212… installed              Development files for Helm 
  helm-github-starsh 20150625… installed              Helm integration for your starred repositories on github 
  helm-make        h 20171103… installed              Select a Makefile target with helm 
  highlight        h 20180131… installed              Highlighting commands. 
  highlight-global h 20140124… installed              package for highlighting multi symbols accross ALL buffers 
  highlight-numbersh 20170905… installed              Highlight numbers in source code 
  highlight-parent…h 20170809… installed              highlight surrounding parentheses 
  hl-todo          h 20170621… installed              highlight TODO and similar keywords 
  ht                 20180129… installed              The missing hash table library for Emacs 
  htmlize            20171017… installed              Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML. 
  hungry-delete    h 20170411… installed              hungry delete minor mode 
  hy-mode          h 20180115… installed              Major mode for Hylang 
  hydra            h 20180201… installed              Make bindings that stick around. 
  ibuffer-projecti…h 20171222… installed              Group ibuffer's list by projectile root 
  iedit            h 20180207… installed              Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously. 
  imenu-list       h 20171120… installed              Show imenu entries in a separate buffer 
  impatient-mode   h 20180124… installed              Serve buffers live over HTTP 
  importmagic      h 20170702… installed              Fix Python imports using importmagic. 
  indent-guide     h 20170221… installed              show vertical lines to guide indentation 
  insert-shebang   h 20170825… installed              Insert shebang line automatically. 
  ivy              h 20180214… installed              Incremental Vertical completYon 
  ivy-hydra        h 20180208… installed              Additional key bindings for Ivy 
  js-doc           h 20160714… installed              Insert JsDoc style comment easily 
  js2-mode         h 20171224… installed              Improved JavaScript editing mode 
  js2-refactor       20180118… installed              A JavaScript refactoring library for emacs. 
  json-mode        h 20170719… installed              Major mode for editing JSON files. 
  json-reformat    h 20160212… installed              Reformatting tool for JSON 
  json-snatcher    h 20150511… installed              Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file 
  know-your-http-w…  20160208… installed              Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes 
  launchctl        h 20150518… installed              Interface to launchctl on Mac OS X. 
  less-css-mode    h 20160930… installed              Major mode for editing LESS CSS files (lesscss.org) 
  let-alist        h 1.0.5     installed              Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names 
  levenshtein        20090830… installed              Edit distance between two strings. 
  link-hint        h 20170923… installed              Use avy to open or copy visible urls. 
  linum-relative   h 20180124… installed              display relative line number in emacs. 
  lispy              20180213… installed              vi-like Paredit 
  live-py-mode     h 20180129… installed              Live Coding in Python 
  log4e            h 20170401… installed              provide logging framework for elisp 
  macrostep        h 20161120… installed              interactive macro expander 
  magit              20180214… installed              A Git porcelain inside Emacs. 
  magit-popup      h 20180119… installed              Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos 
  makey              20131231… installed              interactive commandline mode 
  markdown-mode    h 20180124… installed              Major mode for Markdown-formatted text 
  markdown-toc       20170711… installed              A simple TOC generator for markdown file 
  memoize          h 20170720… installed              Memoization functions 
  mmm-mode         h 20171212… installed              Allow Multiple Major Modes in a buffer 
  move-text        h 20170908… installed              Move current line or region with M-up or M-down. 
  multi-term       h 20160619… installed              Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs. 
  multiple-cursors   20170908… installed              Multiple cursors for Emacs. 
  mwim             h 20180214… installed              Switch between the beginning/end of line or code 
  names            h 20171012… installed              Namespaces for emacs-lisp. Avoid name clobbering without hiding symbols. 
  ob-http          h 20170920… installed              http request in org-mode babel 
  ob-restclient    h 20160323… installed              org-babel functions for restclient-mode 
  open-junk-file   h 20161210… installed              Open a junk (memo) file to try-and-error 
  opencl-mode      h 20170816… installed              Syntax coloring for opencl kernels 
  org-mime         h 20171105… installed              org html export for text/html MIME emails 
  org-plus-contrib   20180212  installed              Outline-based notes management and organizer 
  org-pomodoro     h 20171108… installed              Pomodoro implementation for org-mode. 
  origami          h 20180101… installed              Flexible text folding 
  osx-dictionary   h 20171026… installed              Interface for OSX Dictionary.app 
  osx-trash        h 20160520… installed              System trash for OS X 
  ox-gfm             20170628… installed              Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine 
  ox-pandoc        h 20171107… installed              org exporter for pandoc. 
  ox-reveal          20161027… installed              reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine 
  ox-twbs          h 20161103… installed              Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org 
  packed           h 20170819… installed              package manager agnostic Emacs Lisp package utilities 
  pandoc-mode        20180122… installed              Minor mode for interacting with Pandoc 
  paradox          h 20161117… installed              A modern Packages Menu. Colored, with package ratings, and customizable. 
  parent-mode      h 20150824… installed              get major mode's parent modes 
  password-generat…h 20150222… installed              Password generator for humans. Good, Bad, Phonetic passwords included. 
  pbcopy           h 20150224… installed              Emacs Interface to pbcopy 
  pcre2el          h 20161120… installed              regexp syntax converter 
  peep-dired         20160321… installed              Peep at files in another window from dired buffers 
  persp-mode       h 20180104… installed              windows/buffers sets shared among frames + save/load. 
  pfuture          h 20171116… installed              a simple wrapper around asynchronous processes 
  pip-requirements   20171109… installed              A major mode for editing pip requirements files. 
  pippel           h 20170730… installed              Frontend to python package manager pip 
  pkg-info         h 20150517… installed              Information about packages 
  popup              20160709… installed              Visual Popup User Interface 
  popwin             20150315… installed              Popup Window Manager. 
  pos-tip            20150318… installed              Show tooltip at point 
  powerline        h 20180115… installed              Rewrite of Powerline 
  prettier-js      h 20180108… installed              Minor mode to format JS code on file save 
  prodigy          h 20180214… installed              Manage external services from within Emacs 
  projectile       h 20180128… installed              Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily 
  pug-mode         h 20171208… installed              Major mode for jade/pug template files 
  py-isort         h 20160925… installed              Use isort to sort the imports in a Python buffer 
  pyenv-mode       h 20170801… installed              Integrate pyenv with python-mode 
  pytest           h 20170614… installed              Easy Python test running in Emacs 
  pythonic         h 20180208… installed              Utility functions for writing pythonic emacs package. 
  pyvenv           h 20180126… installed              Python virtual environment interface 
  rainbow-identifi…h 20141102… installed              Highlight identifiers according to their names 
  rainbow-mode     h 0.13      installed              Colorize color names in buffers 
  ranger           h 20170817… installed              Make dired more like ranger 
  request            20170131… installed              Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs 
  restart-emacs    h 20170609… installed              Restart emacs from within emacs 
  restclient         20171203… installed              An interactive HTTP client for Emacs 
  reveal-in-osx-fi…h 20150802… installed              Reveal file associated with buffer in OS X Finder 
  s                  20171102… installed              The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. 
  sass-mode        h 20161006… installed              Major mode for editing Sass files 
  scss-mode        h 20180123… installed              Major mode for editing SCSS files 
  shell-pop        h 20170304… installed              helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work. 
  simple-httpd     h 20180205… installed              pure elisp HTTP server 
  skewer-mode        20170730… installed              live browser JavaScript, CSS, and HTML interaction 
  slim-mode        h 20170728… installed              Major mode for editing Slim files 
  smartparens        20180212… installed              Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs. 
  smex             h 20151212… installed              M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching. 
  spaceline        h 20171111… installed              Modeline configuration library for powerline 
  spinner          h 1.7.3     installed              Add spinners and progress-bars to the mode-line for ongoing operations 
  string-inflection  20180102… installed      
  stylus-mode      h 20160528… installed      
  swiper           h 20180213… installed           
  tagedit            20161121… installed             
  tern             h 20170925… installed              
  tide             h 20180212… installed              
  toc-org          h 20171009… installed            
  treemacs         h 20180207… installed         
  treemacs-evil    h 20180203… installed       
  treemacs-project…h 20180203… installed  
  typescript-mode  h 20180118… installed    
  undo-tree        h 20170706… installed          
  unfill           h 20170722… installed              
  use-package      h 20180206… installed       
  uuidgen            20140918… installed             
  visual-regexp    h 20170228… installed        
  visual-regexp-st…h 20170221… installed     
  web-completion-d…h 20160318… installed 
  web-mode         h 20180211… installed        
  websocket          20171113… installed          
  wgrep            h 20141016… installed             
  which-key        h 20180131… installed          
  winum            h 20171028… installed            
  with-editor      h 20180213… installed           
  wrap-region      h 20140116… installed         
  ws-butler        h 20170111… installed           
  xref-js2         h 20170530… installed             
  xterm-color      h 20180202… installed         
  yaml-mode          20180212… installed         
  yapfify          h 20180105… installed              
  youdao-dictionaryh 20170226… installed     
  zoutline         h 20170722… installed              
  yasnippet        h 20180213… dependency     
  allout             2.3       built-in           
  allout-widgets     1.0       built-in    
  ansi-color         3.4.2     built-in      
  antlr-mode         2.2.3     built-in    
  artist             1.2.6     built-in           
  bs                 1.17      built-in            
  cedet              2.0       built-in          
  cfengine           1.4       built-in        
  chart              0.2       built-in           
  checkdoc           0.6.2     built-in     
  cl-generic         1.0       built-in        
  cl-lib             1.0       built-in             
  cwarn              1.3.1     built-in        
  delim-col          2.1       built-in        
  dunnet             2.2       built-in         
  ebnf2ps            4.4       built-in        
  ede                1.2       built-in            
  ediff              2.81.4    built-in         
  edmacro            2.1       built-in      
  eieio              1.4       built-in            
  eieio-core         1.4       built-in        
  epg                1.0.0     built-in          
  erc                5.3       built-in             
  eshell             2.4.2     built-in         
  feedmail           11        built-in        
  find-cmd           0.6       built-in       
  finder             1.0       built-in           
  flymake            0.3       built-in        
  foldout            1.10      built-in        
  footnote           0.19      built-in        
  gamegrid           1.2       built-in       
  gnus               5.13      built-in          
  hippie-exp         1.6       built-in        
  htmlfontify        0.21      built-in     
  icalendar          0.19      built-in        
  idlwave            6.1.22    built-in       
  image-dired        0.4.11    built-in    
  info-xref          3         built-in            
  inversion          1.3       built-in         
  isearchb           1.5       built-in         
  js                 9         built-in               
  json               1.4       built-in             
  let-alist          1.0.4     built-in           
  linum              0.9.24    built-in         
  map                1.0       built-in           
  master             1.0.2     built-in        
  md4                1.0       built-in           
  meta-mode          1.0       built-in     
  mh-e               8.6       built-in           
  mixal-mode         0.1       built-in     
  ntlm               2.0.0     built-in           
  package            1.1.0     built-in       
  pinentry           0.1       built-in          
  printing           6.9.3     built-in         
  ps-mode            1.1.9     built-in      
  ps-print           7.3.5     built-in         
  pulse              1.0       built-in            
  python             0.25.1    built-in        
  regi               1.8       built-in              
  remember           2.0       built-in      
  repeat             0.51      built-in          
  ruby-mode          1.2       built-in      
  ruler-mode         1.6       built-in       
  savehist           24        built-in          
  semantic           2.2       built-in        
  seq                2.3       built-in             
  sh-script          2.0.6     built-in         
  soap-client        3.0.2     built-in      
  sql                3.5       built-in              
  srecode            1.2       built-in           
  tabulated-list     1.0       built-in         
  tetris             2.1       built-in               
  thunk              1.0       built-in              
  tildify            4.6.1     built-in               
  timeclock          2.6.1     built-in         
  tramp    … built-in        
  vera-mode          2.28      built-in        
  viper              3.14.1    built-in             
  wdired             2.0       built-in             
  whitespace         13.2.2    built-in      
  woman              0.551     built-in        


     ;; =================== Spacemacs Layers ====================
     (spacemacs-completion :packages (not default-helm-config ido-vertical-mode))
     (spacemacs-editing :packages (not lorem-ipsum clean-aindent-mode))
     (spacemacs-editing-visual :packages (not volatile-highlights rainbow-delimiters highlight-indentation lorem-ipsum))
     (spacemacs-evil :packages (not evil-args evil-mc evil-ediff evil-exchange evil-unimpaired evil-indent-plus vi-tilde-fringe evil-lisp-state evil-cleverparens))
     ;; spacemacs-language
     (spacemacs-modeline :packages (not spaceline-all-the-icons vim-powerline symon fancy-battery))
     (spacemacs-navigation :packages (not flx-ido smooth-scrolling))

     ;; ======================== Misc =========================
     (ranger :variables ranger-show-preview t)
     (pandoc :variables org-pandoc-options '((standalone . t)))
     (dash :packages (not counsel-dash helm-dash))
     ;; (github :packages (not magit-gh-pulls))
     ;; graphviz
     (syntax-checking :variables syntax-checking-enable-by-default t
                      syntax-checking-enable-tooltips nil)
     (spell-checking :packages (not auto-dictionary flyspell-correct-helm)
                     :variables spell-checking-enable-by-default nil)
     (auto-completion :packages (not ac-ispell auto-complete helm-c-yasnippet company-quickhelp
                      auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t
                      auto-completion-return-key-behavior 'complete
                      auto-completion-tab-key-behavior 'complete
                      auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup t
                      auto-completion-idle-delay 0.2
                      auto-completion-private-snippets-directory "~/.spacemacs.d/snippets")
     (vinegar :variables vinegar-reuse-dired-buffer t)
     (spacemacs-layouts :variables layouts-enable-autosave nil
                        layouts-autosave-delay 300)
     (git :packages (not magit-gitflow orgit smeargle)
          :variables git-magit-status-fullscreen t
          magit-push-always-verify nil
          magit-save-repository-buffers 'dontask
          magit-revert-buffers 'silent
          magit-refs-show-commit-count 'all
          magit-revision-show-gravatars nil)
     (version-control :packages (not smerge-mode git-gutter git-gutter+
                                     git-gutter-fringe git-gutter-fringe+)
                      :variables version-control-diff-tool 'diff-hl
                      version-control-diff-side 'left)
     (ibuffer :variables ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'projects)
     (osx :variables osx-dictionary-dictionary-choice "Simplified Chinese - English"
          osx-command-as 'super)
     ;; (gtags :disabled-for clojure emacs-lisp javascript latex python shell-scripts)
     (shell :variables shell-default-shell 'ansi-term)
     (shell-scripts :packages (not fish-mode flycheck-bashate))
     ;; docker
     (chrome :packages (not edit-server gmail-message-mode))
     ;; neotree

     ;; ======================== Frameworks ======================
     ;; ruby-on-rails

     ;; ======================== Languages =======================
     ;; (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
     ;; (ruby :variables ruby-version-manager 'chruby)
     ;; racket
     ;; lua
     (latex :variables
            latex-build-command "LatexMk" ;; latexmk -pdf --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode  -file-line-error  filename.tex
            latex-enable-folding t)
     (markdown :packages (not gh-md))
     (org :packages (not org-projectile org-download org-present org-brain)
          org-startup-folded t
          org-want-todo-bindings t
          org-enable-bootstrap-support t
          org-enable-github-support t
          org-enable-reveal-js-support t)
     ;; php
     (python :variables
             ;; python-enable-yapf-format-on-save t
             python-test-runner '(nose pytest))
     (javascript :packages (not web-beautify livid-mode)
                 node-add-modules-path t
                 js2-basic-offset 2
                 js-indent-level 2)
     (typescript :variables
                 typescript-fmt-on-save nil
                 typescript-fmt-tool 'typescript-formatter)
     (emacs-lisp :packages (not nameless overseer))
     (cmake :variables cmake-enable-cmake-ide-support t)
     (c-c++ :packages (not realgud clang-format disaster rtags company-rtags flycheck-rtags ivy-rtags)
            c-c++-default-mode-for-headers 'c++-mode
            c-c++-enable-clang-support t
            c-c++-enable-clang-format-on-save t
            c-c++-enable-google-style t
            c-c++-enable-google-newline t
            c-c++-enable-c++11 t)

     ;; ======================== Others =======================
     (chinese :packages youdao-dictionary
              :variables chinese-enable-youdao-dict t)
1 个赞







