spacemace 如何改变光标宽度



与 spacemacs 无关

如果启用了 evil 就根据 evil-state 的设置不同的 cursor-type。如果不存在状态切换就随便设置一种光标形状:

box   █
bar   ⎸
hbar  _

详见 describe-variabel cursor-type:

cursor-type is a variable defined in ‘C source code’.
Its value is ‘box’
Original value was t
Local in buffer *scratch*; global value is t

  Automatically becomes buffer-local when set.

Cursor to use when this buffer is in the selected window.
Values are interpreted as follows:

  t               use the cursor specified for the frame
  nil             don’t display a cursor
  box             display a filled box cursor
  hollow          display a hollow box cursor
  bar             display a vertical bar cursor with default width
  (bar . WIDTH)   display a vertical bar cursor with width WIDTH
  hbar            display a horizontal bar cursor with default height
  (hbar . HEIGHT) display a horizontal bar cursor with height HEIGHT
  ANYTHING ELSE   display a hollow box cursor

终端下需要额外安装一个 package: GitHub - 7696122/evil-terminal-cursor-changer: Chagning cursor by mode for evil on terminal.
