;; Usage
;; item of time-themes-table: ( hours-in-string . theme-name)
;; 6:00 - 17::00 use spacemacs-light, 17:00 - 24:00 use monokai, 24:00 - 6:00 use spacemacs-light
;; you could add more items.
(mp-ui/config-time-themes-table '(("6" . spacemacs-light) ("17" . monokai)))
;; ====================================Themes automatically change =====================================
;;timer for automatically changing themes
(setq mp-ui--interval-timer nil)
;;table is used to save (time themes) pair for automatically changing themes
;;time should be a string. themes should be a variant , not symbos.
(setq mp-ui--time-themes-table nil)
(defun mp-ui/config-time-themes-table (tt)
"Set time . themes table for time-themes-table."
(setq mp-ui--time-themes-table
;; sort firstly, get-themes-according require a sorted table.
(sort tt (lambda (x y) (< (string-to-int (car x)) (string-to-int (car y)))))
(defun mp-ui/get-themes-according (hour-string)
"This function return the theme according to hour-string.
Value of hour-string should be between 1 and 24(including)."
(catch 'break
(let (
(now-time (string-to-int hour-string))
;; init current-themes to the themes of final item
(correct-themes (cdr (car (last mp-ui--time-themes-table))))
(loop-list mp-ui--time-themes-table)
;; loop to set correct themes to correct-themes
(while loop-list
(let ((v (car loop-list)))
(let ((v-time (string-to-int (car v))) (v-themes (cdr v)))
(if (< now-time v-time)
(throw 'break correct-themes) ; t
(setq correct-themes v-themes) ; nil
(setq loop-list (cdr loop-list))
;; This is returned for value of hour-string is bigger than or equal to car of final item
(throw 'break correct-themes) ; t
(defun mp-ui/check-time-and-modify-theme ()
"This function will get the theme of now according to time-table-themes,
then check whether emacs should to modify theme, if so, modify it."
(let ((new-theme (mp-ui/get-themes-according (format-time-string "%H"))))
(unless (eq new-theme spacemacs--cur-theme)
(spacemacs/load-theme new-theme)
(defun mp-ui/open-themes-auto-change ()
"Start to automatically change themes."
mp-ui--interval-timer (run-at-time 3600 3600 'mp-ui/check-time-and-modify-theme))
(message "themes auto change open.")
(defun mp-ui/close-themes-auto-change ()
"Close automatically change themes."
(cancel-timer mp-ui--interval-timer)
(message "themes auto change close.")