
Debugger entered–Lisp error: (file-missing “Cannot open load file” “No such file or directory” “use-package”) require(use-package) spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package() funcall(spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package) (let* ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg ':name)) (owner (car (eieio-oref pkg ‘:owners)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “Configuring %S…” pkg-name)) (mapc #’(lambda (layer) (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp layer) (progn (if (not …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (condition-case err … …))))) (eieio-oref pkg ‘:pre-layers)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " → init (%S)…" owner)) (funcall (intern (format “%S/init-%S” owner pkg-name))) (mapc #’(lambda (layer) (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp layer) (progn (if (not …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (condition-case err … …))))) (eieio-oref pkg ':post-layers))) configuration-layer//configure-package(#) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg ':location))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path (cons … load-path)) (configuration-layer//warning “Location path for package %S does not exists (valu…” pkg location))) ((and (eq 'local location) (eq 'dotfile (car …))) (setq load-path (cons (file-name-as-directory …) load-path))) ((eq 'local location) (let* ((owner …) (dir …)) (setq load-path (cons … load-path)))))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg))))) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg ':location))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path …) (configuration-layer//warning “Location path for package %S does not exists (valu…” pkg location))) ((and (eq … location) (eq … …)) (setq load-path (cons … load-path))) ((eq 'local location) (let* (… …) (setq load-path …))))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg …))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg-name (car --dolist-tail–)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg …))) (cond ((stringp location) (if … … …)) ((and … …) (setq load-path …)) ((eq … location) (let* … …)))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car …)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail–))) (let ((–dolist-tail-- packages) pkg-name) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg-name (car --dolist-tail–)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg …))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location …)) (cond (… …) (… …) (… …))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg …) '…) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq … …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …)) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail–)))) configuration-layer//configure-packages-2((async bind-key bind-map diminish evil hydra use-package which-key)) configuration-layer//configure-packages((abbrev ace-jump-helm-line ace-link ace-window adaptive-wrap aggressive-indent ansi-colors archive-mode async auto-compile auto-highlight-symbol avy bind-key bind-map bookmark bracketed-paste centered-buffer-mode centered-cursor clean-aindent-mode column-enforce-mode conf-mode debug default-helm-config default-ivy-config default-org-config define-word desktop diminish dired dired-x doc-view dumb-jump edebug ediff eldoc electric-indent-mode elisp-slime-nav emacs-lisp eval-sexp-fu evil evil-anzu evil-args evil-ediff evil-escape evil-evilified-state evil-exchange evil-iedit-state evil-indent-plus evil-lisp-state evil-matchit …)) configuration-layer/sync() (if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version)) (error (concat “Your version of Emacs (%s) is too old. " “Spacemacs requires Emacs version %s or above.”) emacs-version spacemacs-emacs-min-version) (load-file (concat (file-name-directory load-file-name) “core/core-load-paths.el”)) (require 'core-spacemacs) (spacemacs/init) (configuration-layer/sync) (spacemacs-buffer/display-startup-note) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (require 'server) (if (server-running-p) nil (server-start))) eval-buffer(#<buffer load> nil “/home/valen/.emacs.d/init.el” nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 1264 load-with-code-conversion(”/home/valen/.emacs.d/init.el" “/home/valen/.emacs.d/init.el” t t) load(“/home/valen/.emacs.d/init” noerror nomessage) load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1e2111>) #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1e2179>) t) command-line() normal-top-level() Debugger entered–Lisp error: (file-missing “Cannot open load file” “No such file or directory” “use-package”) require(use-package) spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package() funcall(spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package) (let* ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg ':name)) (owner (car (eieio-oref pkg ‘:owners)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “Configuring %S…” pkg-name)) (mapc #’(lambda (layer) (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp layer) (progn (if (not …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (condition-case err … …))))) (eieio-oref pkg ‘:pre-layers)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format " → init (%S)…" owner)) (funcall (intern (format “%S/init-%S” owner pkg-name))) (mapc #’(lambda (layer) (if (configuration-layer/layer-usedp layer) (progn (if (not …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …) (condition-case err … …))))) (eieio-oref pkg ':post-layers))) configuration-layer//configure-package(#) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg ':location))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path (cons … load-path)) (configuration-layer//warning “Location path for package %S does not exists (valu…” pkg location))) ((and (eq 'local location) (eq 'dotfile (car …))) (setq load-path (cons (file-name-as-directory …) load-path))) ((eq 'local location) (let* ((owner …) (dir …)) (setq load-path (cons … load-path)))))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg))))) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg ':location))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path …) (configuration-layer//warning “Location path for package %S does not exists (valu…” pkg location))) ((and (eq … location) (eq … …)) (setq load-path (cons … load-path))) ((eq 'local location) (let* (… …) (setq load-path …))))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg …))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg-name (car --dolist-tail–)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg …))) (cond ((stringp location) (if … … …)) ((and … …) (setq load-path …)) ((eq … location) (let* … …)))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car …)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is configured in the dotfile.” pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail–))) (let ((–dolist-tail-- packages) pkg-name) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg-name (car --dolist-tail–)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it can be lazily installed.” pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg …))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has been excluded.” pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S ignored since it has no owner layer.” pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format “%S is toggled off.” pkg-name))) (t (let ((location …)) (cond (… …) (… …) (… …))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg …) '…) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq … …) (spacemacs-buffer/message …)) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail–)))) configuration-layer//configure-packages-2((async bind-key bind-map diminish evil hydra use-package which-key)) configuration-layer//configure-packages((abbrev ace-jump-helm-line ace-link ace-window adaptive-wrap aggressive-indent ansi-colors archive-mode async auto-compile auto-highlight-symbol avy bind-key bind-map bookmark bracketed-paste centered-buffer-mode centered-cursor clean-aindent-mode column-enforce-mode conf-mode debug default-helm-config default-ivy-config default-org-config define-word desktop diminish dired dired-x doc-view dumb-jump edebug ediff eldoc electric-indent-mode elisp-slime-nav emacs-lisp eval-sexp-fu evil evil-anzu evil-args evil-ediff evil-escape evil-evilified-state evil-exchange evil-iedit-state evil-indent-plus evil-lisp-state evil-matchit …)) configuration-layer/sync() (if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version)) (error (concat “Your version of Emacs (%s) is too old. " “Spacemacs requires Emacs version %s or above.”) emacs-version spacemacs-emacs-min-version) (load-file (concat (file-name-directory load-file-name) “core/core-load-paths.el”)) (require 'core-spacemacs) (spacemacs/init) (configuration-layer/sync) (spacemacs-buffer/display-startup-note) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (require 'server) (if (server-running-p) nil (server-start))) eval-buffer(#<buffer load> nil “/home/valen/.emacs.d/init.el” nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 1264 load-with-code-conversion(”/home/valen/.emacs.d/init.el" “/home/valen/.emacs.d/init.el” t t) load(“/home/valen/.emacs.d/init” noerror nomessage) load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1e2111>) #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x1e2179>) t) command-line() normal-top-level()

总是提示elpa.gnu.org:443 更换了包源还是报错,已经修改成emacs-china了.

你用的什么版? develop还是master? 用master的赶紧换develop, 用develop的对照 https://elpa.emacs-china.org 看看自己的变量是不是设置错了. develop和master的变量名有点点区别的

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git 仓库中切换分支: git checkout develop



感谢! 已解决,原因是 (setq-default configuration-layer-elpa-archives '((“melpa-cn” . “http://elpa.emacs-china.org/melpa/”) (“org-cn” . “http://elpa.emacs-china.org/org/”) (“gnu-cn” . “http://elpa.emacs-china.org/gnu/”)))
