- Layer directory “/home/lujun9972/.spacemacs.d/layers/” not found. Ignoring it.
- Unknown layer my-display declared in dotfile.
- Unknown layer my-misc declared in dotfile.
- Unknown layer my-GTD declared in dotfile.
- Unknown layer my-eshell declared in dotfile.
- Unknown layer my-program declared in dotfile.
- Unknown layer my-life declared in dotfile.
- Cannot find any of the specified fonts (Source Code Pro)! Font settings may not
be correct.
MS Windows?
你的 $HOME
ELISP> (getenv “HOME”)
develop 在这个 issue 之后就需要这个目录了。
opened 10:55AM - 19 Oct 16 UTC
closed 06:03AM - 02 Apr 17 UTC
- Bug tracker -
#### Description :octocat:
I keep on observing multiple warnings for my layers … in the `dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path`.
It appears spacemacs searchs `.spacemacs.d/layers` and then `.spacemacs.d/` so will always finds
private layers twice
Actually the warnings are observed even when the private layers are not added to the layers list
#### Reproduction guide :beetle:
- Start Emacs
- Configure private layers in `dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path`.
_Observed behaviour:_ :eyes: :broken_heart:
Warnings as the example below are observed for each layer in the folder
- Duplicated layer my-ycmd detected in directory "$HOME/.spacemacs.d/layers/my-ycmd",
replacing old directory "$HOME/.spacemacs.d/layers/my-ycmd/" with new directory.
_Expected behaviour:_ :heart: :smile:
No such warnings as above should be observed
#### System Info :computer:
- OS: gnu/linux
- Emacs: 24.4.1
- Spacemacs: 0.200.3
- Spacemacs branch: develop (rev. b550945)
- Graphic display: t
- Distribution: spacemacs
- Editing style: vim
- Completion: helm
- Layers:
``` elisp
((auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup t auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t :disabled-for shell erc)
(c-c :variables c-c -enable-clang-support t c-c -default-mode-for-headers 'c -mode)
(colors :variables colors-colorize-identifiers 'variables)
cscope emacs-lisp evil-cleverparens evil-commentary
(evil-snipe :variables evil-snipe-enable-alternate-f-and-t-behaviors t)
fasd git graphviz html
(ibuffer :variables ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'projects ibuffer-show-empty-filter-groups nil)
imenu-list java javascript markdown osx pdf-tools python semantic
(shell :variables shell-enable-smart-eshell t shell-default-full-span nil)
shell-scripts spell-checking syntax-checking
(typography :variables typography-enable-typographic-editing t)
version-control vimscript windows-scripts yaml my-c-c my-ycmd my-org my-uml)
#### Backtrace :paw_prints:
估计最近被合并到 master 分支了。
你需要把所有自己的层放到 .spacemacs.d/layers/