rms-support-letter (support) vs rms-open-letter (remove)

水一篇在 SDF BBOARD 上的评论

TACKER:  chance (Chance Platt)
SUBJECT: .. RMS Character Asassination
DATE:    27-Mar-21 18:03:45
HOST:    iceland

Ok, this is all really interesting to me!

But - mostly - I just don't know RMS personally. I never met him. When all 
this went down initially, in his emailed defense of Minsky in the Epstein 
bru-haha, the "entirely willing" phrase got a lot of air.

As I'm writing this, almost my opinion of this is changing.

Stallman was writing to defend Minsky against having sex with a minor. The 
"entirely willing" phrase is in the context of that defense. Clearly, RMS 
was defending a position. He wasn't taking into consideration the context 
of sex with children. Is sex with children ever alright?

So the question becomes - it is ever okay to interject yourself in a 
controversial subject in that way? And the answer, I think, is no. Stallman 
I think should have had the foresight to think, "you know, maybe defending 
Minsky isn't the best idea, sex with underage children is bad". He puts 
words to that effect; whether or not they're technically true is 
irrelevant. Sometimes it is in your interest to stay silent.

If a minor presents themselves to an adult, ANY adult should have the 
wherewithal to think and act in a healthy way. A heatlhy interaction first 
would have been that there's clearly an age difference, is this ever 
alright? Second thought is, what literally is this person's age? And then 
sort things out from there.

If Stallman had just said, "I was close to Minsky, and I think he would 
have made the heatlhy choice given the circumstances" - that would have 
been fine, issue over. His defense, laid out.

Stallman defending Minsky in the way he did shows that he valued the 
feelings, developmental stage, and rights of the child less than defending 
his friend. It isn't a good look.

However --- whatever MY feelings on this are; I'm just a rando on the 
Internet --- I have never, ever met RMS. I don't know the context of where 
this came from, or any of the actors. What I have read written online also 
is devoid mostly of all context. It's difficult to recreate a twenty or 
thirty year relationship in a few minutes.

That's where this gets interesting. RMS is sort of one of the earliest 
people to have hugs chunks of their reasoning and interactions recorded in 
various ways electronically, online. He's kind of a pioneer into the 
current Facebook and Instagram generation. He arguably has had more of 
social interactions recorded online - forever for anyone to see - that 
anyone else in history. Also, he's historically relevant in creating those 
said tools. The joke artwork he had posted on his site (at least a few 
years ago) of his portrait in the form of a saint - is sort of right. He's 
a huge presence in nerd-culture, and every word had been read, re-read, 
written about, stressed about.

I have this HUGE feeling if I ever met him at MIT, I might think he was 
weird. But then, think he was actually alright.

He got caught, defending a close friend who has since passed, against 
accusations of having sex with a child. Has RMS ever had sex with a minor? 
Ever raped someone? Hell, like Louis CK - did he ask women lower in his 
organization to watch him jerk off? I mean, RMS seems like the most nerdy, 
keyboard-culture guy out there. Isn't that totally benign?

That open letter - supporting RMS's removal from leadership positions - it 
doesn't actually include Debian or Ubuntu as whole organizations. But it 
DOES include a couple of heroes of mine - Matthew Garrett, and Stefano 

I'm really mixed on this whole thing. It's almost like, should I have ever 
been interested in the whole free-software thing, because these people, 
collectively and possibly objectively, are NUTS. Life has more important 
things to spend my energy on.

2 个赞



我自己跟这个老哥一个感觉,我甚至没有去调查为啥指控 RMS(懒)。这些人搅风搅雨,最后给整个社区带来的影响,或者说伤害应该是在动摇对自由软件的信念。


1 个赞



目前还在,FSF 已发表的声明的态度,似乎是支持 rms 留下

bullshit,这些人是有阅读障碍还是怎么样?讨厌 rms 就说讨厌 rms,非要篡改别人的发言。

rms 说的是:根据新闻报道,从 Minsky 的角度,可能看上去那位女性是自愿的 -> 因此即便她是被 Epstein 强迫的,即便真的跟 Minsky 发生了性关系(目前来看似乎并没有),也未必应该说 Minsky 强奸了那位女性(需要进一步的报道)

这根本就没在讨论 “sex with children is alright”,也没有在维护 Minsky

类比一下,打人和杀人都是犯法,但并能说打人就等于杀人,A说“根据新闻报道,X可能没有杀人”,然后 B 过来说,“打人也是犯法啊,你是在维护打人者吗?”(He wasn’t taking into consideration the context of sex with children. Is sex with children ever alright?)。更有甚者,说“你是在维护杀人犯”(说 rms 在维护 Epstein 的人)。

他说的是,根据他对 Minsky 的个人了解,Minsky 不太可能做出强迫发生关系的事。

他和 Minsky 是友人关系。



根据他对 Minsky 的个人了解,Minsky 不太可能做出强迫发生关系的事


rms 邮件原文:

The announcement of the Friday event does an injustice to Marvin Minsky:

“deceased AI ‘pioneer’ Marvin Minsky (who is accused of assaulting one 
of Epstein’s victims [2])”

The injustice is in the word “assaulting”. The term “sexual assault” 
is so vague and slippery that it facilitates accusation inflation: 
taking claims that someone did X and leading people to think of it 
as Y, which is much worse than X.

The accusation quoted is a clear example of inflation. The reference 
reports the claim that Minsky had sex with one of Epstein’s harem. 
(See https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/9/20798900/marvin-minsky-jeffrey-epstein-sex-trafficking-island-court-records-unsealed.) 
Let’s presume that was true (I see no reason to disbelieve it).

The word “assaulting” presumes that he applied force or violence, 
in some unspecified way, but the article itself says no such thing. 
Only that they had sex.

We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is 
that she presented herself to him as entirely willing. Assuming she was 
being coerced by Epstein, he would have had every reason to tell her to 
conceal that from most of his associates.

I’ve concluded from various examples of accusation inflation that it 
is absolutely wrong to use the term “sexual assault” in an accusation.

Whatever conduct you want to criticize, you should describe it with 
a specific term that avoids moral vagueness about the nature of the criticism.


这事一开始RMS被“挂”的内容在这里。你贴出来的只有这里的前面一部分。被这个挂出来的也不是原文的全部,有争议的言论在一整个 thread 里。



We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that she presented herself to him as entirely willing.

反正我个人觉得这么讲的确不合适,尤其是挂 RMS 的那个人指出他发邮件的地方不是什么私人场合:

Again, this mailing list has undergraduate students on it. It is likely some of them are “18 years old or 17”.

当然我也同意那篇 medium 文章的内容除了引用事实的地方,其他都是 bullshit。挂邮件的那人显然是个讼棍,本人和这事没有直接关系,是从一个刚好在邮件列表里的女性友人听说这事的,然后觉得能爆热点就联系记者开始打拳了

RMS 和 Minsky 有私人关系是在

这事的起因据说是在 mailing list 里的学生提出要搞抵制活动,因为他们学校的相关項目接受了 Epistien 的 funding (?) ,RMS 在下面回应不怕事大。





We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that she presented herself to him as entirely willing. Assuming she was being coerced by Epstein, he would have had every reason to tell her to conceal that from most of his associates.

我们可以假想多种情形,但最可能的是她对 Minksy 表现得像是完全自愿。假设她是被 Epstein 强迫的,那 Epstein 完全有理由让她向其他人隐瞒这个事实。

我的理解是,这里 presented herself to him as entirely willing 并非猜测“那个女孩是自愿的”,而是说她有可能对 Minksy 表现出(因为 Epstein 的强迫)像是自愿的。

rms 认为如果是这种情况,则不应该在 Minsky 身上用 sexual assault 或是 rape 这样的词,因为这两者都隐含着过程中有强迫或暴力行为。rms 探讨的是类似于这样的一个定义的问题。

这有些像一个嫖客去妓院,并与一名看上去自愿的性工作者发生了关系,如果这名性工作者是被妓院老板强迫的,那能说嫖客“强奸”了这名性工作者吗? → 或许能或许不能,但我觉得至少是可讨论的

18 years old or 17 那段,rms 也是在讨论 rape 的定义,原文:

I think it is morally absurd to define “rape” in a way that depends on minor details such as which country it was in or whether the victim was 18 years old or 17.

我知道 rms 和 Minksy 有私交(之前 rms resign 的时候看过一些相关信息),但我觉得不能因此就默认 rms 在 defend Minsky

产生爭議的原因就在于,不能排除有人会把rms的话理解成对女性态度不善的表示。而所謂的 cancel culture 就是,只要言行出现了一点瑕疵,就要把人搞臭。说实话 rms 再怎么有毒那也没这 cancel culture toxic。

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