- TODO Data Structure (T3201) 08:30-10:15 <%%(org-class 2019 2 18 2019 4 14 2)>
- TODO Data Structure (T3201) 10:30-12:15 <%%(org-class 2019 2 18 2019 4 14 4)>
这么设置之后再agenda中仍然显示过期的任务 我这只是一个课程表 希望过期后自动不显示 或者自动标记为done 哪位大佬知道 谢谢回答
这么设置之后再agenda中仍然显示过期的任务 我这只是一个课程表 希望过期后自动不显示 或者自动标记为done 哪位大佬知道 谢谢回答
日历事项不用 TODO
A plain timestamp,
C-c .
: This is used for things like appointments where the entry occurs at a specific date/time. Such an entry will show up in the agenda on the specified day, and will not show up after that day has passed. Note that an appointment in the past won’t keep showing up on your agenda regardless of whether you mark it DONE: if you didn’t go to your doctor’s appointment yesterday, that doesn’t mean you still have one today!
可以换行之后用C-c . 插入活跃时间戳,即可创建一个过期不自动提醒只会显示在当日的待办事项。