org 如何结束循环任务?

我设置例如 TODO scheduled 2020-01-01 ++1d,deadline 2020-05-01.为什么我到5月1日结束不了这个任务?还是TODO状态。这个应该怎么设置呢?

1 个赞

C-u -1 M-x org-todo 摘自 org-todo 文档:

With C-u prefix ARG, force logging the state change and take a
logging note.
With a C-u C-u prefix, switch to the next set of TODO keywords (nextset).
Another way to achieve this is S-C-<right>.
With a C-u C-u C-u prefix, circumvent any state blocking.
With numeric prefix arg, switch to the Nth state.

With a numeric prefix arg of 0, inhibit note taking for the change.
With a numeric prefix arg of -1, cancel repeater to allow marking as DONE.
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