【分享】 修正 org-pdftool 链接中 pdf 文档至指定位置

在构建卡片时,常用到 org-pdftools 来指向原始出处。但当原始出处文件位置发生变化之后,该指向功能则无法完成。下面这个函数,可以用来原地修改该 org-pdftool 链接。这样,到在任意地点添加链接后,可一键修改复链接,使其指向指定位置。

(setq wr/pdfs-db-location "~/path/to/db/")

 (defun wr/org-pdftool-correct-current-path ()
   "Fix the path used in org-pdftools.

 For example, a user shall have a link:


 After 393945dc3d6e4fcc8dbb33eb5f872703.pdf is moved to a data
 directory, this link is no longer available.

 This function corrects the PATH for the link.

   (let* ((context
          (full-path-and-description (plist-get (car (cdr context)) :path))
          (full-path (progn
                       (string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" full-path-and-description)
                       (match-string 1 full-path-and-description)))
          (full-path-only-description (progn
                                      (string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" full-path-and-description)
                                      (match-string 2 full-path-and-description))))
     (if (string-prefix-p (expand-file-name wr/pdfs-db-location) (expand-file-name full-path))
         (message "Path is good for %s." full-path)
       (if (org-in-regexp org-link-bracket-re 1)
             (let ((remove (list (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
               (apply 'delete-region remove)
               (insert "[[pdftools:" (concat wr/pdfs-db-location
                                             (file-name-nondirectory full-path)
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