想请教一下 org-mode 下如何生成内部链接目录

最近刚开始学习spacemacs,看了一下官方文档,想借鉴这种先列提纲目录方式, 来做日常编程的学习笔记. 想请教下这种 内部链接 目录是怎样自动生成的, :pray:

#+TITLE: Beginners tutorial

* Beginners tutorial                                      :TOC_4_gh:noexport:
 - [[#why-spacemacs][Why Spacemacs?]]
 - [[#install][Install]]
   - [[#1-install-emacs][1. Install Emacs]]
   - [[#2-install-git][2. Install Git]]
   - [[#3-install-spacemacs][3. Install Spacemacs]]
     - [[#note-for-windows-users][Note for Windows users]]
   - [[#4-install-the-default-font][4. Install the default font]]
   - [[#5-open-spacemacs-and-choose-default-editing-style][5. Open Spacemacs and choose default editing style]]
 - [[#getting-started][Getting started]]
   - [[#keybinding-notation][Keybinding notation]]
   - [[#modal-text-editing---why-and-how][Modal text editing - why and how?]]
   - [[#start-the-vim-tutorial][Start the Vim tutorial]]
   - [[#using-the-spacebar-to-launch-commands][Using the spacebar to launch commands]]
   - [[#buffers-windows-and-frames][Buffers, windows and frames]]
   - [[#accessing-files][Accessing files]]
 - [[#configuring-spacemacs][Configuring Spacemacs]]
   - [[#adding-language-support-and-other-features-using-layers][Adding language support and other features: using layers]]
   - [[#changing-the-colour-theme][Changing the colour theme]]
   - [[#starting-maximized][Starting maximized]]
   - [[#quitting][Quitting]]
 - [[#additional-features-tips-and-troubleshooting][Additional features, tips and troubleshooting]]
   - [[#org-mode][Org mode]]
   - [[#version-control---the-intelligent-way][Version control - the intelligent way]]
   - [[#daemon-mode-and-instant-startup-linux][Daemon mode and instant startup (Linux)]]
   - [[#swap-caps-lock-and-esc-keys-on-your-keyboard][Swap caps lock and esc keys on your keyboard]]
   - [[#troubleshooting-and-further-info][Troubleshooting and further info]]

* Why Spacemacs?
- Unparallelled text and structure editing for all types of writing tasks:
  creative writing, blogging, note-taking, todo-lists, scientific papers...
- Powerful modes for programming in dozens of programming languages
- Deeply customizable yet beginner-friendly
1 个赞

spacemacs 就是用这个包的,LZ 搞定没有?

:g/^*+/t $

早上起来试了下,可以了. 十分感谢