org mode中,可以只使用年和月来标记时间么

我需要对表格中的一列进行时间排序,但是目前的时间是类似2016-02, Mar 2016这样的格式. 试了下,这样是没法正常排序的, org mode不能正常识别为时间戳. 怎么让排序正常工作呢? 必须添加上日期么

首先 2016-02Mar 2016 不是正常的时间戳(至少 Org 是这样认为的)。

不是必须的,org-table-sort-lines 支持自定义排序,甚至写成“二零一六年三月”都能排序,C-h f org-table-sort-lines 中有解释(看 GETKEY-FUNC 参数)

(org-table-sort-lines WITH-CASE &optional SORTING-TYPE GETKEY-FUNC COMPARE-FUNC)

Sort table lines according to the column at point.
If the SORTING-TYPE is ?f or ?F, then GETKEY-FUNC specifies
a function to be called to extract the key.  It must return either
a string or a number that should serve as the sorting key for that


| 2017-01 | Jan 2017 |
| 2016-01 | Jan 2016 |
| 2016-03 | Mar 2016 |
  • 需要排第一列的话:M-x org-table-sort-lines f my-year-month-to-number
  • 需要排第二列的话:M-x org-table-sort-lines f my-month-year-to-number
;; "2016-03" => 201603
(defun my-year-month-to-number (s)
  "Used as GETKEY-FUNC of `org-table-sort-lines'."
  (string-to-number (replace-regexp-in-string "-" "" s)))

;; "Mar 2016" => 201603
(defun my-month-year-to-number (s)
  (cl-destructuring-bind (m y) (split-string s " ")
     (concat y (format "%02d" (cl-position m calendar-month-abbrev-array :test 'string=))))))

P.S. 这个问题与


1 个赞

回答非常详细 :+1: 好的,下次先读读手册了.很多东西我也基本上发现手册里面都有说了… 但是当然还是没有谷歌直接给出答案快. 另外那个问题也确实是我问的.