Org-mode: 使用山人的org config,用Swiper搜索卡死

Description :octocat:


Reproduction guide :beetle:

  • Start Emacs
  • Open org file
  • Use Swiper to search,例如Swiper “https”.
  • 浏览几秒钟,然后Stuck.

My configuration: :heart: :smile:

Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: Error message here:

<Debugger entered–entering a function:

  • eval((replace-regexp-in-string “%” “%%” (or (gethash (selected-window) which-func-table) which-func-unknown))) redisplay_internal\ (C\ function)() read-from-minibuffer(“Swiper: " nil (keymap (keymap (3 keymap (6 . swiper-toggle-face-matching)) (67108919 . swiper-mc) (67108903 . swiper-avy) (12 . swiper-recenter-top-bottom) (27 keymap (113 . swiper-query-replace))) keymap (8388618 . ivy-immediate-done) (f3 . ivy-occur) (8388719 . ivy-dispatching-done) (8388621 . ivy-partial-or-done) (escape . minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (12 . ivy-alt-done) (33554440 keymap (9 . info-display-manual) (12 . find-library) (22 . find-variable) (11 . find-function-on-key) (65 . apropos) (113 . help-quit) (118 . describe-variable) (119 . where-is) (116 . help-with-tutorial) (115 . describe-syntax) (114 . info-emacs-manual) (80 . describe-package) (112 . finder-by-keyword) (110 . view-emacs-news) (111 . describe-symbol) (109 . describe-mode) (108 . view-lossage) (107 . describe-key) (52 keymap (105 . info-other-window)) (105 . info) (104 . view-hello-file) (103 . describe-gnu-project) (102 . describe-function) (101 . view-echo-area-messages) (100 . apropos-documentation) (99 . describe-key-briefly) (98 . describe-bindings) (97 . apropos-command) (83 . info-lookup-symbol) (76 . describe-language-environment) (75 . Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node) (73 . describe-input-method) (70 . Info-goto-emacs-command-node) (67 . describe-coding-system) (28 . describe-input-method) (23 . describe-no-warranty) (20 . view-emacs-todo) (16 . view-emacs-problems) (15 . describe-distribution) (14 . view-emacs-news) (13 . view-order-manuals) (6 . find-function) (5 . view-external-packages) (4 . view-emacs-debugging) (3 . describe-copying) (1 . about-emacs) (63 . help-for-help) (46 . display-local-help) …) (8 . “”) (11 . ivy-previous-line) (3 keymap (5 . spacemacs//counsel-edit) (115 . ivy-ff-checksum) (111 . ivy-occur) (19 . ivy-rotate-sort) (1 . ivy-toggle-ignore) (15 . ivy-occur)) (67108903 . ivy-avy) (33554464 . ivy-restrict-to-matches) (15 . spacemacs/ivy-transient-state/body) (22 . ivy-scroll-up-command) (7 . minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (32 . self-insert-command) (18 . ivy-reverse-i-search) (19 . ivy-next-line-or-history) (remap keymap (describe-mode . ivy-help) (kill-ring-save . ivy-kill-ring-save) (kill-line . ivy-kill-line) (scroll-down-command . ivy-scroll-down-command) (scroll-up-command . ivy-scroll-up-command) (end-of-buffer . ivy-end-of-buffer) (beginning-of-buffer . ivy-beginning-of-buffer) (kill-word . ivy-kill-word) (forward-char . ivy-forward-char) (delete-char . ivy-delete-char) (backward-kill-word . ivy-backward-kill-word) (backward-delete-char-untabify . ivy-backward-delete-char) (delete-backward-char . ivy-backward-delete-char) (previous-line . ivy-previous-line) (next-line . ivy-next-line)) (9 . ivy-call) (10 . ivy-next-line) (27 keymap (1 . ivy-read-action) (15 . ivy-dispatching-call) (111 . ivy-dispatching-done-hydra) (105 . ivy-insert-current) (106 . ivy-yank-word) (114 . ivy-toggle-regexp-quote) (16 . ivy-previous-line-and-call) (14 . ivy-next-line-and-call) (118 . ivy-scroll-down-command) (112 . ivy-previous-history-element) (110 . ivy-next-history-element) (10 . ivy-immediate-done) (13 . ivy-call)) (13 . ivy-done)) nil swiper-history) ivy-read(“Swiper: " (#(” #+TITLE: CIS 571 Midterm Notes” 0 1 (display "1 " swiper-line-number "1 “) 1 9 (face org-document-info-keyword font-lock-fontified t fontified t) 9 10 (fontified t) 10 31 (face org-document-title font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "2 " swiper-line-number “2 “)) #(” * XML” 0 1 (display "3 " swiper-line-number "3 “) 1 3 (face org-level-1 fontified t) 3 6 (face org-level-1 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "4 " swiper-line-number “4 “)) #(” ** Basic XML Tag Syntax” 0 1 (display "5 " swiper-line-number "5 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 24 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "6 " swiper-line-number “6 “)) #(” 1. Tags written as with HTML, but …” 0 1 (display "7 " swiper-line-number "7 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "8 " swiper-line-number “8 “)) #(” - Case-sensitive names” 0 1 (display "9 " swiper-line-number “9 “) 1 25 (fontified t)) #(” - Always need end tags” 0 1 (display "10 " swiper-line-number “10 “) 1 25 (fontified t)) #(” - Special empty-element” 0 1 (display "11 " swiper-line-number “11 “) 1 26 (fontified t)) #(” - Always ==quote== attribute values” 0 1 (display "12 " swiper-line-number "12 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "13 " swiper-line-number “13 “)) #(” 2. Some other constraints for tags” 0 1 (display "14 " swiper-line-number "14 “) 1 35 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "15 " swiper-line-number “15 “)) #(” - Start with a letter or underscore” 0 1 (display "16 " swiper-line-number “16 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” - After 1st character, numbers, -, and . are allowed” 0 1 (display "17 " swiper-line-number “17 “) 1 55 (fontified t)) #(” - Cannot contain white-spaces.” 0 1 (display "18 " swiper-line-number "18 “) 1 33 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "19 " swiper-line-number “19 “)) #(” ** XML Namespaces” 0 1 (display "20 " swiper-line-number "20 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 18 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "21 " swiper-line-number “21 “)) #(” - XML namespaces are designed to resolve naming conflicts in XML documents that contains element types and attributes from multiple XML languages.” 0 1 (display "22 " swiper-line-number "22 “) 1 101 (fontified t) 101 147 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "23 " swiper-line-number "23 “)) #(” " 0 1 (display "24 " swiper-line-number “24 “)) #(” - Declaring namespaces as reserved attributes” 0 1 (display "25 " swiper-line-number "25 “) 1 46 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "26 " swiper-line-number "26 “)) #(” - An attribute’s name " 0 1 (display "27 " swiper-line-number “27 “) 1 23 (fontified t)) #(” - xmlns - default namespace” 0 1 (display "28 " swiper-line-number “28 “) 1 30 (fontified t)) #(” - xmlns : xml_name” 0 1 (display "29 " swiper-line-number “29 “) 1 21 (fontified t)) #(” - An attribute’s value: a URI reference including URL and URN” 0 1 (display "30 " swiper-line-number "30 “) 1 62 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "31 " swiper-line-number “31 “)) #(” ** Valid XML Documents” 0 1 (display "32 " swiper-line-number "32 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 23 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "33 " swiper-line-number “33 “)) #(” - Definition codified by one of:” 0 1 (display "34 " swiper-line-number “34 “) 1 33 (fontified t)) #(” - A document type definition (DTD)” 0 1 (display "35 " swiper-line-number “35 “) 1 37 (fontified t)) #(” - An XML Schema definition” 0 1 (display "36 " swiper-line-number "36 “) 1 29 (fontified t)) #(” - What DTDs and/or schema specify: " 0 1 (display "37 " swiper-line-number "37 “) 1 36 (fontified t)) #(” - Allowed element and attribute names, hierarchical nesting rules; element content/type restrictions " 0 1 (display "38 " swiper-line-number “38 “) 1 104 (fontified t)) #(” - Schemas are more powerful than DTDs” 0 1 (display "39 " swiper-line-number “39 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” - Schemas often used for type validation,or for defining low-level type constraints on values (integer, VAR char, date time,etc.).” 0 1 (display "40 " swiper-line-number "40 “) 1 137 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "41 " swiper-line-number “41 “)) #(” ** Limitations of DTDs” 0 1 (display "42 " swiper-line-number "42 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 23 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "43 " swiper-line-number “43 “)) #(” - Doesn’t understand namespaces” 0 1 (display "44 " swiper-line-number “44 “) 1 32 (fontified t)) #(” - Very limited assortment of data types(just strings)” 0 1 (display "45 " swiper-line-number “45 “) 1 54 (fontified t)) #(” - Very weak w.r.t. consistency constraints(ID/IDREF/IDREFS only)” 0 1 (display "46 " swiper-line-number “46 “) 1 65 (fontified t)) #(” - Can’t express unordered contents conveniently” 0 1 (display "47 " swiper-line-number “47 “) 1 48 (fontified t)) #(” - All element names are global: can’t have one Name type for people and another for companies:” 0 1 (display "48 " swiper-line-number “48 “) 1 95 (fontified t)) #(” - ” 0 1 (display "49 " swiper-line-number “49 “) 1 37 (fontified t)) #(” - ” 0 1 (display "50 " swiper-line-number “50 “) 1 33 (fontified t)) …) :initial-input nil :keymap (keymap (3 keymap (6 . swiper-toggle-face-matching)) (67108919 . swiper-mc) (67108903 . swiper-avy) (12 . swiper-recenter-top-bottom) (27 keymap (113 . swiper-query-replace))) :preselect 353 :require-match t :update-fn swiper–update-input-ivy :unwind swiper–cleanup :action swiper–action :re-builder swiper–re-builder :history swiper-history :caller swiper) swiper–ivy((#(” #+TITLE: CIS 571 Midterm Notes” 0 1 (display "1 " swiper-line-number "1 “) 1 9 (face org-document-info-keyword font-lock-fontified t fontified t) 9 10 (fontified t) 10 31 (face org-document-title font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "2 " swiper-line-number “2 “)) #(” * XML” 0 1 (display "3 " swiper-line-number "3 “) 1 3 (face org-level-1 fontified t) 3 6 (face org-level-1 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "4 " swiper-line-number “4 “)) #(” ** Basic XML Tag Syntax” 0 1 (display "5 " swiper-line-number "5 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 24 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "6 " swiper-line-number “6 “)) #(” 1. Tags written as with HTML, but …” 0 1 (display "7 " swiper-line-number "7 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "8 " swiper-line-number “8 “)) #(” - Case-sensitive names” 0 1 (display "9 " swiper-line-number “9 “) 1 25 (fontified t)) #(” - Always need end tags” 0 1 (display "10 " swiper-line-number “10 “) 1 25 (fontified t)) #(” - Special empty-element” 0 1 (display "11 " swiper-line-number “11 “) 1 26 (fontified t)) #(” - Always ==quote== attribute values” 0 1 (display "12 " swiper-line-number "12 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "13 " swiper-line-number “13 “)) #(” 2. Some other constraints for tags” 0 1 (display "14 " swiper-line-number "14 “) 1 35 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "15 " swiper-line-number “15 “)) #(” - Start with a letter or underscore” 0 1 (display "16 " swiper-line-number “16 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” - After 1st character, numbers, -, and . are allowed” 0 1 (display "17 " swiper-line-number “17 “) 1 55 (fontified t)) #(” - Cannot contain white-spaces.” 0 1 (display "18 " swiper-line-number "18 “) 1 33 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "19 " swiper-line-number “19 “)) #(” ** XML Namespaces” 0 1 (display "20 " swiper-line-number "20 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 18 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "21 " swiper-line-number “21 “)) #(” - XML namespaces are designed to resolve naming conflicts in XML documents that contains element types and attributes from multiple XML languages.” 0 1 (display "22 " swiper-line-number "22 “) 1 101 (fontified t) 101 147 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "23 " swiper-line-number "23 “)) #(” " 0 1 (display "24 " swiper-line-number “24 “)) #(” - Declaring namespaces as reserved attributes” 0 1 (display "25 " swiper-line-number "25 “) 1 46 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "26 " swiper-line-number "26 “)) #(” - An attribute’s name " 0 1 (display "27 " swiper-line-number “27 “) 1 23 (fontified t)) #(” - xmlns - default namespace” 0 1 (display "28 " swiper-line-number “28 “) 1 30 (fontified t)) #(” - xmlns : xml_name” 0 1 (display "29 " swiper-line-number “29 “) 1 21 (fontified t)) #(” - An attribute’s value: a URI reference including URL and URN” 0 1 (display "30 " swiper-line-number "30 “) 1 62 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "31 " swiper-line-number “31 “)) #(” ** Valid XML Documents” 0 1 (display "32 " swiper-line-number "32 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 23 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "33 " swiper-line-number “33 “)) #(” - Definition codified by one of:” 0 1 (display "34 " swiper-line-number “34 “) 1 33 (fontified t)) #(” - A document type definition (DTD)” 0 1 (display "35 " swiper-line-number “35 “) 1 37 (fontified t)) #(” - An XML Schema definition” 0 1 (display "36 " swiper-line-number "36 “) 1 29 (fontified t)) #(” - What DTDs and/or schema specify: " 0 1 (display "37 " swiper-line-number "37 “) 1 36 (fontified t)) #(” - Allowed element and attribute names, hierarchical nesting rules; element content/type restrictions " 0 1 (display "38 " swiper-line-number “38 “) 1 104 (fontified t)) #(” - Schemas are more powerful than DTDs” 0 1 (display "39 " swiper-line-number “39 “) 1 38 (fontified t)) #(” - Schemas often used for type validation,or for defining low-level type constraints on values (integer, VAR char, date time,etc.).” 0 1 (display "40 " swiper-line-number "40 “) 1 137 (fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "41 " swiper-line-number “41 “)) #(” ** Limitations of DTDs” 0 1 (display "42 " swiper-line-number "42 “) 1 2 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 2 4 (face org-level-2 fontified t) 4 23 (face org-level-2 fontified t)) #(” " 0 1 (display "43 " swiper-line-number “43 “)) #(” - Doesn’t understand namespaces” 0 1 (display "44 " swiper-line-number “44 “) 1 32 (fontified t)) #(” - Very limited assortment of data types(just strings)” 0 1 (display "45 " swiper-line-number “45 “) 1 54 (fontified t)) #(” - Very weak w.r.t. consistency constraints(ID/IDREF/IDREFS only)” 0 1 (display "46 " swiper-line-number “46 “) 1 65 (fontified t)) #(” - Can’t express unordered contents conveniently” 0 1 (display "47 " swiper-line-number “47 “) 1 48 (fontified t)) #(” - All element names are global: can’t have one Name type for people and another for companies:” 0 1 (display "48 " swiper-line-number “48 “) 1 95 (fontified t)) #(” - ” 0 1 (display "49 " swiper-line-number “49 “) 1 37 (fontified t)) #(” - ” 0 1 (display "50 " swiper-line-number "50 ") 1 33 (fontified t)) …)) counsel-grep-or-swiper() funcall-interactively(counsel-grep-or-swiper) call-interactively(counsel-grep-or-swiper) (let ((current-prefix-arg nil)) (call-interactively (if p (function spacemacs/swiper-region-or-symbol) (function counsel-grep-or-swiper)))) my-swiper-search(nil) funcall-interactively(my-swiper-search nil) call-interactively(my-swiper-search nil nil) command-execute(my-swiper-search)

Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile: <>

System Info :computer:

  • OS: darwin
  • Emacs: 25.1.1
  • Spacemacs: 0.200.7
  • Spacemacs branch: develop (rev. e624e8f)
  • Graphic display: t
  • Distribution: spacemacs
  • Editing style: vim
  • Completion: ivy
  • Layers:
(version-control php ivy better-defaults github ranger colors prodigy search-engine graphviz
                 (syntax-checking :variables syntax-checking-enable-by-default nil syntax-checking-enable-tooltips nil)
                 (spell-checking :variables spell-checking-enable-by-default nil)
                 (vinegar :variables vinegar-reuse-dired-buffer t)
                 (spacemacs-layouts :variables layouts-enable-autosave nil layouts-autosave-delay 300)
                 (git :variables git-magit-status-fullscreen t magit-push-always-verify nil magit-save-repository-buffers 'dontask magit-revert-buffers 'silent magit-refs-show-commit-count 'all magit-revision-show-gravatars nil)
                 (ibuffer :variables ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'projects)
                 (auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup t :disabled-for org markdown)
                 (osx :variables osx-dictionary-dictionary-choice "Simplified Chinese - English")
                 (gtags :disabled-for clojure emacs-lisp javascript latex python shell-scripts)
                 (shell :variables shell-default-shell 'eshell)
                 docker deft markdown org shaders yaml react
                 (python :variables python-test-runner
                         '(nose pytest))
                 (ruby :variables ruby-version-manager 'chruby)
                 ruby-on-rails lua html javascript
                 (typescript :variables typescript-fmt-on-save nil typescript-fmt-tool 'typescript-formatter)
                 (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
                 (c-c++ :variables c-c++-default-mode-for-headers 'c++-mode)
                 (chinese :packages youdao-dictionary fcitx :variables chinese-enable-fcitx nil chinese-enable-youdao-dict t)

Backtrace :paw_prints:

1 个赞

好像使用了Emacs-mac后就没有这个问题了:joy: Github链接在这里:。后续再有问题我会继续跟进。。。