Org-mode agenda include diary file error

我设置了包含 diary 如下:

(setq org-agenda-include-diary t
      ;; diary-file "~/Org/Tasks/"
      diary-file (locate-user-emacs-file "data/" "")
      org-agenda-diary-file 'diary-file
      ;; org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy 'date-tree


* Holiday


* Birthday

** My Birthday

%%(diary-anniversary 3 24 1990) I'm %d%s years old today!!!

但是agenda显示的却不是按照函数 diary-anniversary 说的那样只在那天 3/24 显示。而是每天都显示。而且不知道为什么,org-calendar-holiday 也重复显示。

10/22       Ruth's birthday.
* 21, *:    Payday
Tuesday--weekly meeting with grad students at 10am
         Supowit, Shen, Bitner, and Kapoor to attend.
1/13/89     Friday the thirteenth!!
thu 4pm     squash game with Lloyd.
mar 16      Dad's birthday
April 15, 2016 Income tax due.
* 15        time cards due.```

Diary 的格式应该是像上面那样的