

36 Threads

Emacs Lisp provides a limited form of concurrency, called "threads".
All the threads in a given instance of Emacs share the same memory.
Concurrency in Emacs Lisp is "mostly cooperative", meaning that Emacs
will only switch execution between threads at well-defined times.
However, the Emacs thread support has been designed in a way to later
allow more fine-grained concurrency, and correct programs should not
rely on cooperative threading.

   Currently, thread switching will occur upon explicit request via
`thread-yield', when waiting for keyboard input or for process output
(e.g., during `accept-process-output'), or during blocking operations
relating to threads, such as mutex locking or `thread-join'.

   Emacs Lisp provides primitives to create and control threads, and
also to create and control mutexes and condition variables, useful for
thread synchronization.

   While global variables are shared among all Emacs Lisp threads,
local variables are not--a dynamic `let' binding is local.  Each thread
also has its own current buffer (*note Current Buffer::) and its own
match data (*note Match Data::).

   Note that `let' bindings are treated specially by the Emacs Lisp
implementation.  There is no way to duplicate this unwinding and
rewinding behavior other than by using `let'.  For example, a manual
implementation of `let' written using `unwind-protect' cannot arrange
for variable values to be thread-specific.

   In the case of lexical bindings (*note Variable Scoping::), a
closure is an object like any other in Emacs Lisp, and bindings in a
closure are shared by any threads invoking the closure.

* Menu:

* Basic Thread Functions::      Basic thread functions.
* Mutexes::                     Mutexes allow exclusive access to data.
* Condition Variables::         Inter-thread events.

File: elisp.info,  Node: Basic Thread Functions,  Next: Mutexes,  Up: Threads

36.1 Basic Thread Functions

Threads can be created and waited for.  A thread cannot be exited
directly, but the current thread can be exited implicitly, and other
threads can be signaled.

 -- Function: make-thread function &optional name
     Create a new thread of execution which invokes FUNCTION.  When
     FUNCTION returns, the thread exits.

     The new thread is created with no local variable bindings in
     effect.  The new thread's current buffer is inherited from the
     current thread.

     NAME can be supplied to give a name to the thread.  The name is
     used for debugging and informational purposes only; it has no
     meaning to Emacs.  If NAME is provided, it must be a string.

     This function returns the new thread.

 -- Function: threadp object
     This function returns `t' if OBJECT represents an Emacs thread,
     `nil' otherwise.

 -- Function: thread-join thread
     Block until THREAD exits, or until the current thread is signaled.
     If THREAD has already exited, this returns immediately.

 -- Function: thread-signal thread error-symbol data
     Like `signal' (*note Signaling Errors::), but the signal is
     delivered in the thread THREAD.  If THREAD is the current thread,
     then this just calls `signal' immediately.  Otherwise, THREAD will
     receive the signal as soon as it becomes current.  If THREAD was
     blocked by a call to `mutex-lock', `condition-wait', or
     `thread-join'; `thread-signal' will unblock it.

 -- Function: thread-yield
     Yield execution to the next runnable thread.

 -- Function: thread-name thread
     Return the name of THREAD, as specified to `make-thread'.

 -- Function: thread-alive-p thread
     Return `t' if THREAD is alive, or `nil' if it is not.  A thread is
     alive as long as its function is still executing.

 -- Function: thread-blocker thread
     Return the object that THREAD is waiting on.  This function is
     primarily intended for debugging, and is given a "double hyphen"
     name to indicate that.

     If THREAD is blocked in `thread-join', this returns the thread for
     which it is waiting.

     If THREAD is blocked in `mutex-lock', this returns the mutex.

     If THREAD is blocked in `condition-wait', this returns the
     condition variable.

     Otherwise, this returns `nil'.

 -- Function: current-thread
     Return the current thread.

 -- Function: all-threads
     Return a list of all the live thread objects.  A new list is
     returned by each invocation.

File: elisp.info,  Node: Mutexes,  Next: Condition Variables,  Prev: Basic Thread Functions,  Up: Threads

36.2 Mutexes

A "mutex" is an exclusive lock.  At any moment, zero or one threads may
own a mutex.  If a thread attempts to acquire a mutex, and the mutex is
already owned by some other thread, then the acquiring thread will
block until the mutex becomes available.

   Emacs Lisp mutexes are of a type called "recursive", which means
that a thread can re-acquire a mutex it owns any number of times.  A
mutex keeps a count of how many times it has been acquired, and each
acquisition of a mutex must be paired with a release.  The last release
by a thread of a mutex reverts it to the unowned state, potentially
allowing another thread to acquire the mutex.

 -- Function: mutexp object
     This function returns `t' if OBJECT represents an Emacs mutex,
     `nil' otherwise.

 -- Function: make-mutex &optional name
     Create a new mutex and return it.  If NAME is specified, it is a
     name given to the mutex.  It must be a string.  The name is for
     debugging purposes only; it has no meaning to Emacs.

 -- Function: mutex-name mutex
     Return the name of MUTEX, as specified to `make-mutex'.

 -- Function: mutex-lock mutex
     This will block until this thread acquires MUTEX, or until this
     thread is signaled using `thread-signal'.  If MUTEX is already
     owned by this thread, this simply returns.

 -- Function: mutex-unlock mutex
     Release MUTEX.  If MUTEX is not owned by this thread, this will
     signal an error.

 -- Macro: with-mutex mutex body...
     This macro is the simplest and safest way to evaluate forms while
     holding a mutex.  It acquires MUTEX, invokes BODY, and then
     releases MUTEX.  It returns the result of BODY.

File: elisp.info,  Node: Condition Variables,  Prev: Mutexes,  Up: Threads

36.3 Condition Variables

A "condition variable" is a way for a thread to block until some event
occurs.  A thread can wait on a condition variable, to be woken up when
some other thread notifies the condition.

   A condition variable is associated with a mutex and, conceptually,
with some condition.  For proper operation, the mutex must be acquired,
and then a waiting thread must loop, testing the condition and waiting
on the condition variable.  For example:

     (with-mutex mutex
       (while (not global-variable)
         (condition-wait cond-var)))

   The mutex ensures atomicity, and the loop is for robustness--there
may be spurious notifications.

   Similarly, the mutex must be held before notifying the condition.
The typical, and best, approach is to acquire the mutex, make the
changes associated with this condition, and then notify it:

     (with-mutex mutex
       (setq global-variable (some-computation))
       (condition-notify cond-var))

 -- Function: make-condition-variable mutex &optional name
     Make a new condition variable associated with MUTEX.  If NAME is
     specified, it is a name given to the condition variable.  It must
     be a string.  The name is for debugging purposes only; it has no
     meaning to Emacs.

 -- Function: condition-variable-p object
     This function returns `t' if OBJECT represents a condition
     variable, `nil' otherwise.

 -- Function: condition-wait cond
     Wait for another thread to notify COND, a condition variable.
     This function will block until the condition is notified, or until
     a signal is delivered to this thread using `thread-signal'.

     It is an error to call `condition-wait' without holding the
     condition's associated mutex.

     `condition-wait' releases the associated mutex while waiting.
     This allows other threads to acquire the mutex in order to notify
     the condition.

 -- Function: condition-notify cond &optional all
     Notify COND.  The mutex with COND must be held before calling
     this.  Ordinarily a single waiting thread is woken by
     `condition-notify'; but if ALL is not `nil', then all threads
     waiting on COND are notified.

     `condition-notify' releases the associated mutex while waiting.
     This allows other threads to acquire the mutex in order to wait on
     the condition.

 -- Function: condition-name cond
     Return the name of COND, as passed to `make-condition-variable'.

 -- Function: condition-mutex cond
     Return the mutex associated with COND.  Note that the associated
     mutex cannot be changed.

non-blocking 的tramp mode 会不会随之到来呢?
