magit安装后,执行m-x magit-status后,显示In the beginning there was darkness


刚开始安装时没有安装GIT,所以编译报错;换成msys后,安装git,卸载magit后重新安装package成功后,运行m-x magit-status,仍然显示In the beginning there was darkness,如图。 求解


这不是个error啊,只是没有git init


1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

                                                         ------Genesis 1


盲人摸象,不知是啥地方做错了,越搞越糟。 最终的解决方法是.emacs.d整体删掉,重新做了一遍。 还好不需要再写遍emacs代码!god bless 谢谢大家的关注 emacs, I fule you!