org 文件中 latex 语句原先在mactex 2018 中C-c C-c 能正常生成 RESULTS的,比如:
#+begin_src latex :file ./img.d/orgmode-babel-latex.png :exports results \begin{equation} \Pr(X_t=j|X_{t-1}=i) = \frac{j(j-1)}{2}\Big(\frac{i}{N}\Big)^j\Big(\frac{N-i}{N}\Big)^{n-j} \end{equation} #+end_src
mactex 2018 生成的是:
#+RESULTS: file:./img.d/orgmode-babel-latex.png
#+begin_export latex #+end_export
Org Preview LaTeX Output 信息:
processing of PostScript specials is disabled (Ghostscript not found) pre-processing DVI file (format version 7) processing page 1 graphic size: 755.282619pt x 42.478498pt (265.451481mm x 14.929485mm) output written to /var/folders/xn/gt75lpld53n_0qkqhp6ntgvh0000gn/T/orgtexr3Q7E3.svg 1 of 1 page converted in 1.39478 seconds
ghostscript 已安装,命令行调用正常。这就很是奇怪了。不知有没有兄弟遇到类似情况的?