升级MacOS系统出现的问题:listing directory failed but 'access-file' worked

有遇到同款的问题吗?试了些网上提供的方法,都无效啊。 方法一: If anyone comes here curious as to how they can access Desktop, Documents, or Downloads, the answer is in the link above, for reference, but I’ll put it here in case that link expires.

  1. In System Preferences -> Security & Privacy, select the Privacy tab.
  2. From the list on the left, select Full Disk Access.
  3. Click the padlock in the lower left of the window to unlock this setting, if necessary.
  4. Click the + button to add Emacs to the list, then add Emacs.

Now in Emacs, do the following for each of the three directories: Desktop, Documents, and Downloads.

  1. Press Cmd+O to open a file.
  2. Open any arbitrary file in the folder you want access to.

From now on, you’ll be able to use C-x C-f to open ~/Desktop/, for example.


  1. change emacs to emacs.bak
  2. change emacs-x86_64-10_14 to emacs


同时是了下eshell, 出现如下提示: Opening directory: Operation not permitted, /user/…/Documents


Mac OSX不是给开发者用的,还是换Linux省心

谢谢~ Mac 用了几年了,也打算换了~~ 有推荐的吗?

To help clarify (based upon my experiments – please verify) There seems to be three of these: ~/Documents , ~/Desktop , and ~/Downloads … I’m surprised ~/Downloads is in there because its not copied to iCloud.

The ns-open-file-using-panel must be done once for each of these. After that, it appears to work forever and ever. I even rebooted and it still worked. Go figure…

只能仔细寻找,上面的解答还可行啊,我打开了 Documents,Desktop 和 Download, 就好了 ~

轮到下一个问题了:) “Package cl is deprecated”

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将 /usr/local/bin/ruby 设置为完全文件访问权限即可解决问题, 亲测可用!

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