有没有iso 安卓 鸿蒙 都能用的org app?


不要买那么多种设备 :laughing:

2 个赞

My Chinese input method is broken so I wrote English.

For viewing, the best method I could think of so far is publishing org-mode notes to a static website, like github/codeberg page. They are totally free, you get the same experience on all platforms, they could be easily managed through org-publish, and you could custom its look, and write your own search function/filters. Also you can export stuff like org-ql views or org-agenda buffer this way. Downside be it being read-only, and the initial setup would take some time.

For taking notes, I haven’t seen any good mobile org-mode writing app, including websites. If you insist on writing org-mode on your mobile device, I may suggest that you try set up a home server to ssh to and try to create some shortcut script to run org-capture on you mobile device. But come to think of it, it’s not really terribly useful. If it’s only for memo/capturing purpose, a folder in voice memo would just be as good as a fully functional org-mode editor, as later in the process they would be processed into more permanent form anyway. (This would come more naturally if you are familiar with the GTD methodology, where it is stressed that capturing could take any form)

For example, my workflow now involving taking notes with my phone is to record a voice memo in an “inbox” folder, and I set down once per day before my laptop to clear that folder into modifications to proper org-mode notes in the note system I have on my computer. Having been using this method for months, it came pretty intuitive.

2 个赞

想听一下对 Metanote 使用的感受,欢迎多提意见和建议,这将有助于我做得更好。我做 Metanote 的初衷就是希望能有像在 Emacs 中一样体验,也许现在还有差距?当局者迷,欢迎指出 Metanote 的不足

渲染做的不好,感觉就是 plain text一样。plain org就很好,图片都能显示。


安卓能用 Emacs,鸿蒙应该也兼容。 iOS 据说也有个终端模拟器软件支持 emacs。

非要 all in one? 下个微软的 ToDo 用下不就行了,编辑长文档最后不还是要回到电脑。

手机上需要可以看这些文档。然后偶尔修改几处。 长篇大论在手机上编辑确实不方便。