No. I guess that explains it.
With the default tokenizer it better but still with very high CPU and 1~3 secs delay when mark is activate.
No. I guess that explains it.
With the default tokenizer it better but still with very high CPU and 1~3 secs delay when mark is activate.
Yes, then it is rsvg. I will add a prominent note to the README for this, as you’re the second person I have met with this problem. Thank you.
The hatty.el reminds me of the Cursorless plugin for VSCode ( I’m currently suffering from RSI and exploring various solutions, including voice programming. I’m particularly glad to find a solution for Emacs.
In my experience, voice control is quite effective for editing (in some cases, I find it even faster than Vim), but input remains challenging, especially as a non-native English speaker. Do you have any recommendations for improving the input experience?
The biggest improvement for me came from getting a better microphone. Other than that, I make sure to continuously change my commands if I notice that they cause misrecognition. So make sure to add commands to alleviate adding and changing commands, such as commands for opening different configuration files. Other than that, I just had to practice a lot to become fluent in the command language. I use talon, but want to make hatty.el voice engine agnostic. Are there any similar tools optimized for Chinese?
I took a lot of inspiration from cursorless, and built similar faculties on top of hatty.el in the package cursorfree.el. See GitHub - ErikPrantare/cursorfree.el: Edit and navigate from anywhere in the buffer . Note that cursorfree is not as well-documented as hatty.el, and a bit more primitive than cursorless. If you want to try it out, I’m happy to provide help if setting it up turns out to be difficult.
对我来说,最大的改进来自于换了一个更好的麦克风。除此之外,如果我注意到 某些命令导致识别错误,我会确保不断调整这些命令。因此,建议添加一些命令 来简化添加和修改命令的过程,比如打开不同配置文件的命令。除此之外,我通 过大量练习来熟练掌握命令语言。我使用Talon,但希望让hatty.el的语音引擎 与具体实现无关。是否有类似工具针对中文进行了优化?
我从Cursorless中获得了许多灵感,并在hatty.el的基础上构建了类似的功能, 形成了cursorfree.el包。详见 GitHub - ErikPrantare/cursorfree.el: Edit and navigate from anywhere in the buffer 。需要注意的是, cursorfree的文档不如hatty.el完善,功能也比Cursorless原始一些。如果你想 尝试,我很乐意在设置过程中提供帮助。
Thank you for your advice, it is very helpful for me. I appreciate it!
I am not sure if there are any tools like Talon optimized for Chinese. As I am already familiar with the basic Talon voice commands, I’ll give it a go, and share my experiences exploring it.