go-translate 更新到 v3



加一个这个在配置中就可以正常解析 pdf 了。

(cl-defmethod gt-text :around ((taker gt-taker) translator)
      "Extend the original gt-text method to handle pdf-view-mode."
      (if (eq major-mode 'pdf-view-mode)
          (gt-text-at-point nil 'pdf-view-mode)


对 紫薯布丁

如果用的是 DeepL 的 Pro 的 api 的话,需要写成 (gt-deepl-engine :pro t) 需要加 :pro t,这个 README 当中没有写,只有源码中提了一句。

发现个小问题,这个下面出现 processing 的时候光标就无法正常跳转到翻译处。但是已经正常翻译了。

我觉得人名或者专业名词不翻译,也是一些人的需求,不知道是否有人已经做了 hack

go-translate 经常出现错误:Keyword argument :filter not one of (:headers :body :else :finally :noquery :as :then :body-type :decode :connect-timeout :timeout)

gt-log 如下:

2351.2 gt-start (gt-translator)
2351.2 gt-init (gt-translator)
2351.2 gt-reset (gt-translator)
2351.2 gt-take (gt-taker gt-translator)
2351.5 [translator] version: 1729132351.190346
                    target: (en zh)
                    bounds: (Hands On RTOS with Microcontrollers Building real time embedded systems using FreeRTOS, STM32 MCUs, and SEGGER debug tools.pdf)
                    text: (Contributors
                    About the author
                    Brian Amos is an embedded system engineer who has been programming with FreeRTOS
                    since 2012. He is currently a senior firmware engineer in the telecom industry creating
                    embedded systems used in ground stations for satellite communication. In the past, he led a
                    team of engineers creating a flexible architecture to rapidly develop high-precision
                    laboratory test equipment. Prior to this, he worked with early mesh networked energy
                    harvesting sensors used to help predict when industrial machinery needed maintenance.
                    taker: gt-taker, engines: (ChatGPT), render: gt-buffer-render
2351.5 [1] add task task-346: (gt-chatgpt-engine/gt-buffer-render)
2351.5 [translator] <1> all tasks added
2351.5 gt-init (gt-buffer-render gt-translator)
2351.5 [translator] <2> gt-buffer-render prepared
2351.5 gt-translate (gt-chatgpt-engine task-346)
2351.5 gt-init (gt-chatgpt-engine task-346)
2351.5 [next] task-346: gt-chatgpt-engine prepare to translate
2351.6 [gt-plz-http-client] > #s(gt-plz-http-client nil eieio--unbound)
                            > https://api.deepseek.com/v1/chat/completions
                            > HEADER: ((User-Agent . Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36) (Content-Type . application/json) (Authorization . Bearer sk-5953eec93a7d4c6f8cff9739000d1bae))
                            > DATA:   {"model":"deepseek-chat","temperature":0.8,"stream":null,"messages":[{"role":"system","content":"You are a translation assistant"},{"role":"user","content":"Translate the text to Chinese, text is: \nContributors\nAbout the author\nBrian Amos is an embedded system engineer who has been programming with FreeRTOS\nsince 2012. He is currently a senior firmware engineer in the telecom industry creating\nembedded systems used in ground stations for satellite communication. In the past, he led a\nteam of engineers creating a flexible architecture to rapidly develop high-precision\nlaboratory test equipment. Prior to this, he worked with early mesh networked energy\nharvesting sensors used to help predict when industrial machinery needed maintenance.\n"}]}
                            > EXTRA: (--silent --compressed --location)
2351.6 gt-fail (task-346)
2351.6 [translator] <3> all result parsed
2351.6 gt-output (gt-buffer-render gt-translator) 3
2351.6 [next] task-346: [----- error -----] (error Keyword argument :filter not one of (:headers :body :else :finally :noquery :as :then :body-type :decode :connect-timeout :timeout))

   gt-fail(#<gt-task gt-task-1ffb7e956812> (error "Keyword argument :filter not one of (:headers :bod..."))
   gt-start(#<gt-translator gt-translator-1ffb83694494>)
   funcall-interactively(gt-do-translate nil)
   call-interactively(gt-do-translate nil nil)

我尝试过删除 go-translate 安装目录下的所有 elc,重启无效。

只能将 go-translate 删除,重新安装 go-translate,才能使用。但是在重装后下一次重启 emacs,就又出现该错误,非常痛苦。不知道是哪里的问题?

发现 Emacs 中的 plz 版本是 0.7.1 将其升级为 0.9.1 后支持 :filter 后解决问题。