- 设置代理:
git config --global url.https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/.insteadof https://github.com/
参考:doom emacs 用户的福音
- 升级:
doom upgrade
"error: pathspec 'develop' did not match any file(s) known to git"
(error "Failed to run \"git\"; see buffer *straight-process*")
(signal error ("Failed to run \"git\"; see buffer *straight-process*"))
(error "Failed to run %S; see buffer %s" "git" "*straight-process*")
(if (car result) (cdr result) (error "Failed to run %S; see buffer %s" program straight-process-buffer))
(let ((result (apply #'straight--call program args))) (if (car result) (cdr result) (error "Failed to run %S; see buffer %s" program straight-process-buffer)))
(straight--get-call-raw "git" "checkout" "develop")
(apply straight--get-call-raw "git" ("checkout" "develop"))
(string-trim (apply #'straight--get-call-raw program args))
(straight--get-call "git" "checkout" "develop")
error: pathspec ‘develop’ did not match any file(s) known to git
这是 git 报错了吧?
可能是没更新本地分支, git branch -a
看下。没有 develop,先 fetch 一下试试?
解决办法:删除了.local目录,重新doom sync安装