基于外部命令 jdupes (windows) 或 fdupes (LInux),将结果组织到一个dired buffer中,方便处理,界面与find-dired类似
Linux 下的 fdupes 是一个非常好用的命令,尤其是整理相片,文档等很多名称不一样,但是内容一样的文件时。
都提示 “wrong type argument stringp nil”, 不知道要怎么调用。
我这边emacs 28 snapshot, windows + jdupes或者manjaro+fdupes,都没有问题。
-r 是默认带的参数,可以不输入。 如果没有额外的参数需要输入,直接回车即可
Emacs 版本? fdupes 或 jdupes 在路径里边吗?
emacs 27.1, 用的doom emacs的配置,fdupes
新增了一个粗略的debug message,等更新后(setq find-dupes-dired-verbose t)
locate-file: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
之后,在message buffer里会有类似于下边的输出
find-dupes-dired-program: jdupes
dir: "xxx"
command line: jdupes -r "xxx" -0 | xargs -0 ls -lUd
我这里没有emacs 27,所以没法调试。
如果message buffer里没有相关内容的话,就是一开始就出错了,(executable-find "fdupes")
(executable-find "fdupes")
(setq find-dupes-dired-program (executable-find "fdupes"))
(setq find-dupes-dired-ls-option '("-q | xargs -d \"\\n\" ls -dilsbU" . "-dilsbU"))
/usr/local/bin/fdupes -r /Users/sfq/ -q | xargs -d "\n" ls -dilsbU
xargs: illegal option -- d
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements] [-S replsize]]
[-J replstr] [-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs]
[-s size] [utility [argument ...]]
-d, --delimiter=CHARACTER items in input stream are separated by CHARACTER,
not by whitespace; disables quote and backslash
processing and logical EOF processing
Usage: fdupes [options] DIRECTORY...
-r --recurse for every directory given follow subdirectories
encountered within
-R --recurse: for each directory given after this option follow
subdirectories encountered within (note the ':' at the
end of the option, manpage for more details)
-s --symlinks follow symlinks
-H --hardlinks normally, when two or more files point to the same
disk area they are treated as non-duplicates; this
option will change this behavior
-G --minsize=SIZE consider only files greater than or equal to SIZE bytes
-L --maxsize=SIZE consider only files less than or equal to SIZE bytes
-n --noempty exclude zero-length files from consideration
-A --nohidden exclude hidden files from consideration
-f --omitfirst omit the first file in each set of matches
-1 --sameline list each set of matches on a single line
-S --size show size of duplicate files
-t --time show modification time of duplicate files
-m --summarize summarize dupe information
-q --quiet hide progress indicator
-d --delete prompt user for files to preserve and delete all
others; important: under particular circumstances,
data may be lost when using this option together
with -s or --symlinks, or when specifying a
particular directory more than once; refer to the
fdupes documentation for additional information
-P --plain with --delete, use line-based prompt (as with older
versions of fdupes) instead of screen-mode interface
-N --noprompt together with --delete, preserve the first file in
each set of duplicates and delete the rest without
prompting the user
-I --immediate delete duplicates as they are encountered, without
grouping into sets; implies --noprompt
-p --permissions don't consider files with different owner/group or
permission bits as duplicates
-o --order=BY select sort order for output and deleting; by file
modification time (BY='time'; default), status
change time (BY='ctime'), or filename (BY='name')
-i --reverse reverse order while sorting
-l --log=LOGFILE log file deletion choices to LOGFILE
-v --version display fdupes version
-h --help display this help message
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements] [-S replsize]]
[-J replstr] [-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs]
[-s size] [utility [argument ...]]