Emacs26 不会在init.el中添加(package-initialize)了?

今天我不小心删掉了init.el中的那句注释;; (package-initialize),发现emacs26并不会在init.el中添加(package-initialize)了……这是bug还是feature?

我认为是bug…… 无论init.el里有没有(package-initialize), (package--ensure-init-file)都会返回t……

Old news

Emacs 26,1也这么干了?



C-h v user-init-file

user-init-file is a variable defined in ‘C source code’.
Its value is "/home/yuki/.emacs.d/init.el"

File name, including directory, of user’s initialization file.
If the file loaded had extension ‘.elc’, and the corresponding source file
exists, this variable contains the name of source file, suitable for use
by functions like ‘custom-save-all’ which edit the init file.
While Emacs loads and evaluates the init file, value is the real name
of the file, regardless of whether or not it has the ‘.elc’ extension.
