

Uncompressing /home/..../.emacs.d/emacs-gc-stats.eld.gz...done


【转】帮助Emacs 维护者收集统计信息以优化 Emacs GC 的默认值 这个包吧,可能在写入啥统计信息?


It was not meant as a reminder, but nice that it works as such :slight_smile:

这并不是为了提醒,但很高兴它能这样工作 :slight_smile:



When should I send the email? After sending the email,

Should I continue collecting or is the collection work finished and I can stop it?

或许你应该先去看下 README?

When should I send the email?

Right about now. A few weeks of statistics should be good enough.

A number of people are sending the data now: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-gc-stats/2023-07/threads.html

After sending the email, Should I continue collecting or is the collection work finished and I can stop it?

No need to continue. For now, we just need enough information to decide if Emacs really needs to change the defaults.

Once this fact is established, we will need to discuss about the new default, which will take unpredictable amount of time (as usual on emacs-devel). Only after that, we may consider studying how the new settings perform. But that will be a separate announcement in future.

When should I send the email?



After sending the email, Should I continue collecting or is the collection work finished and I can stop it?

无需继续。目前,我们只需要足够的信息来决定 Emacs 是否确实需要更改默认值。

一旦确定了这一事实,我们将需要讨论新的默认值,这将花费不可预测的时间(与 emacs-devel 上的通常情况一样)。只有在那之后,我们才可以考虑研究新设置的表现。但这将是一个单独的公告。

ok. emacs-gc-stats.eld.gz just sent to [email protected]

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