发现了一个沙雕 Emacs 插件合集


This month will be a good time for reading mail. Set your clock with the help of your giraffe. Discuss life with RMS with the help of a lout. You’ll never be enlightened.

– M-x horoscope

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(require 'spook)

M-x spook

据说当年 NSA 在 MIT 服务器上偷偷安装了邮件扫描被抓包了,于是有人写了个 Emacs 插件用来在邮件里插入解包邮件扫描发现的敏感关键字组成的无意义语句,来干扰邮件审查。

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SPOOK (to start: M-x spook)

Spook was designed to insert special words with no meaningful context into your buffer.

These words are of the type that the American FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), or NSA (National Security Agency) would be looking for within electronic messages in order to identify subversive people.

The intention is that, after composing a mail message, you execute the spook program to create a collection of these words to copy and paste to your outgoing message.

If the FBI or CIA or NSA has a program that checks for subversive messages traveling around the Internet, your message will be snagged and archived.

Later, some government flunky will have to waste time reading your mail, just to make sure you are not a bad guy.

Here is some sample output from spook:

Tuberculosis computer terrorism orthodox password Black out NSWC Al-Qaeda AOL TOS Law enforcement doctrine Nigeria KLM Plame Critical infrastructure Suspicious substance

Of course, you don’t know for sure if the FBI or CIA or NSA is really scanning your email.

However, the idea is that if everyone uses Spook regularly, it would overwhelm such agencies, if they did indeed try to spy on us.

From book Harley Hahn’s Emacs Field Guide (ISBN: 978-1-4842-1702-3)

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麻 省 旧 事



我觉得吧,emacs-china 发展到今天,付出了维护者的很多心血和各位 emacser 的很多智慧,实属不易,我们应该珍惜, emacs 是一个极其小众的领域,我不反对在闲聊灌水里面稍微扩展到其它领域,但我觉得我们应该不要在一些红线上去试探,这个再怎么强调我觉得也不过分,也希望同学谅解我多嘴。

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想多了,现在的 machine learning 技术已经不能被这种只针对正则的简单方式干扰了,得用更复杂的对抗模式