步步为营,零秒精通 Emacs

Appendix B: Git Version Control

| Objects               | Features                     | Actions:                                     |
| 0.Introduction        |                              |                                              |
|                       | Faster commands              |                                              |
|                       | Stability                    |                                              |
|                       | Isolated Environments        |                                              |
|                       | Efficient Merging            |                                              |
| 1.Overview            | Objects:                     | Actions:                                     |
|                       | 1.working directory          | configure                                    |
|                       | 2.staging area               | recording                                    |
|                       | 3.Commit history             | undoing                                      |
|                       | 4.developmnent branches      | branch (non-linear)                          |
|                       | 5.remotes                    | remote                                       |
| 2.Configuration       | 1) User Info:                |                                              |
|                       |                              | git config --global user.name                |
|                       |                              | git config --global user.email               |
|                       | 2) Editor:                   |                                              |
|                       |                              | git config --global core.editor emacs        |
|                       | 3) Alias:                    |                                              |
|                       |                              | git config --global alias.ci commit          |
|                       | .inspect                     |                                              |
|                       |                              | git config -l                                |
|                       | help:                        | git help log                                 |
|                       |                              | man git-log                                  |
|                       |                              | tldr git-log                                 |
| 3.Recoding Chaneges   |                              |                                              |
|                       | Staging area:                |                                              |
|                       |                              | git add                                      |
|                       |                              | git rm --cached                              |
|                       | .inspecting:                 |                                              |
|                       |                              | git status                                   |
|                       |                              | git diff (--cached)                          |
|                       | Commits                      |                                              |
|                       |                              | git commit                                   |
|                       | .inspecting                  |                                              |
|                       |                              | git log                                      |
|                       |                              | git log --oneline  <file>                    |
|                       |                              | git log <since> ... <until>                  |
|                       | Tagging commit               |                                              |
|                       |                              | git tag -a v1.0  'stable version'            |
| 4.Undoing Changes     | 1) Woriking directory        |                                              |
|                       |                              |                                              |
|                       |                              | git reset --hard HEAD                        |
|                       |                              | git clean -f (git rid of unstaged files)     |
|                       | .individual file:            |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout HEAD <file> (most frequent)     |
|                       | 2) Staging area              |                                              |
|                       |                              | git reset HEAD <file> (extra staged file)    |
|                       |                              | (No --hard here)                             |
|                       | 3) Commits                   |                                              |
|                       | .resetting                   |                                              |
|                       |                              | git reset HEAD~1                             |
|                       | .reverting                   |                                              |
|                       |                              | git revert <commit-id> (created new commit ) |
|                       | .ameding                     |                                              |
|                       |                              | git commit --amend                           |
| 5.Branches            | 1) Manipulate brnaches       |                                              |
|                       | .listing branches            |                                              |
|                       |                              | git branch                                   |
|                       | .creating branches           |                                              |
|                       |                              | git branch <name>                            |
|                       |                              | git checkout -b <name>                       |
|                       |                              | .git/refs/heads/develop                      |
|                       | .deleting branches           |                                              |
|                       |                              | git branch -d, -D                            |
|                       |                              |                                              |
|                       | Checking out branches        |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout  <branch>                       |
|                       | .detached                    |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout -b <new-branch-name>            |
|                       | 2) Merging branches          |                                              |
|                       | .fast-forward:               |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout master                          |
|                       |                              | git merge some-feature                       |
|                       | .3-way merge:                |                                              |
|                       |                              | same as the above                            |
|                       | .merge conflicts             |                                              |
|                       |                              | <<<<<<HEAD                                   |
|                       |                              | ==================                           |
|                       |                              | >>>>> some-feature                           |
|                       | 3) Branches workflow         |                                              |
|                       | .types of branches           |                                              |
|                       |                              | permanent or topic                           |
|                       | .permanent_branch            |                                              |
|                       |                              | master(public ), develop,                    |
|                       | .topic_branch                |                                              |
|                       |                              | feature and hotfix                           |
|                       | 4) Rebasing:                 |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout some-feature                    |
|                       |                              | git rebase master                            |
|                       | .interactive_rebasing:       |                                              |
|                       |                              | git rebase -i master                         |
|                       |                              | (Notice for rewriting)                       |
| 6.Remote Repositories |                              |                                              |
|                       | 1) Manipulate remotes:       |                                              |
|                       | .listing remotes:            |                                              |
|                       |                              | git remote                                   |
|                       |                              | git remote -v                                |
|                       | .creating_remotes:           |                                              |
|                       |                              | git remote add <name> <path-to-repo.         |
|                       | .deleting_remotes:           |                                              |
|                       |                              | git remote rm <remote-name>                  |
|                       | 2) Remote branches:          |                                              |
|                       | .fetching_remote_branches    |                                              |
|                       |                              | git fetch <remote> <branch>                  |
|                       |                              | git branch -r                                |
|                       | .inspecting_remote_branches: |                                              |
|                       |                              | git log origin/master                        |
|                       | .merging/rebsing:            |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout some-feature                    |
|                       |                              | git fetch origin                             |
|                       |                              | git merge origin/master                      |
|                       |                              | (littered with meaninglesss merge commits)   |
|                       |                              |                                              |
|                       |                              | git checkout some-feature                    |
|                       |                              | git fetch origin                             |
|                       |                              | git rebase origin/master                     |
|                       | .pulling:                    |                                              |
|                       |                              | git pull origin/master (--rebase )           |
|                       | .pushing:                    |                                              |
|                       |                              | git push <remote> <branch>                   |
|                       |                              |                                              |
|                       | 3) Remote workflow:          |                                              |
|                       | .bare_repository:            |                                              |
|                       |                              | git init --bare <path>                       |
|                       | .centralized_workflow:       |                                              |
|                       |                              | git fetch origin master                      |
|                       |                              | git rebase origin/master                     |
|                       |                              | git push                                     |
|                       | .integrator_workflow:        |                                              |
|                       |                              | github的模式                                 |
| Conclusion            |                              |                                              |
|                       | 1.working directory          |                                              |
|                       | 2.staging area               |                                              |
|                       | 3.commit history             |                                              |
|                       | 4.branches                   |                                              |
|                       | 5.remotes                    |                                              |
1 个赞

修改成了M-x find-file, C-x C-f,
这样下文可以自然进入到编辑功能, 先把文件打开, 才好编辑.





find . -type f -exec grep --color -inH --null -e  "whitespace" \{\} +

可以看到结果, 但没法做简单的统计.


 find . -type f -exec grep --color -inH --null -e  "whitespace" \{\} +

也只能大略了解到’whitespace’在整个文档中, 有95句话提到过.

C-x grep-find;

则瞬间眼明心亮, 有95句话有一个或多个whitespace这个单词, 总计有151个. 而且在 Killing.org 这个文件中有6句话, 在 text.org 中有5句, 在 Display,org 中有17句话, 在 Program.org 中也有17句, 等等,



初学, 有多初?

假如是自己从零DIY, 后面几章真正施展Emacs的强大功能之处,

目前的流程图 Meta --> Control —> Cursor —> Edit

由Meta的词源语义出发分析Emacs的快捷键绑定, 引入Ctrl键简化输入过程, 光标的移动作为edit的前置步骤, 以find-grep查询收尾基本的编辑功能.

在切入到God’s Eyes(Dired) and God’s Hands(Booksmarks)之前,
C-x C-f (M-x find-file) 找到并打开文件
C-x C-r (r是read-only), 比如浏览自己的配置文件, 要避免无心修改掉东西.
C-x C-s (s,save) 保存单个文件
C-x s 保存全部文件, 保存全部文件功能更常用, 因此组合键也少.
最后在个人配置上添加两行, 设置自动保存文件.

(setq auto-save-visited-mode t)   
(auto-save-visited-mode +1)

以上完结, 马上进入精彩的部分.

1 个赞





** Dired操作:

1. Entering Dired: C-x d
2. Navigation: C-n C-p
3. Delete files: d, x, D
4. Flagging many files at once:
1) # (file start with #)
2) ~ (flag all backup files whose name end with ~)
3) % d regexp (delete all match regex)

5. Visiting Files
- f or e (visit current file)
- o (another window to display and switch fucus)
- C-o (visit but not switch focus)
- v (view-mode)
- ^ (dired-up)

6. Dired Marks vs. Flags
- * * excutable files
- * m mark
- * @ symbolic link
- * / directory
- * u remove the current
- U remove all
- % m regex
7. Operatons on files
- C copy
- D delete
- R rename
- H hardlink
- S symblic link
- Z, c
8. Shell Commands in Dired
- 这次阅读最大的收获, 可以直接 & 和 X
9. Transform files names
- % u Uppper-case
- % l lowercase
10. File comparision
- dired-diff
11. Subdirectory in Dired
- i
12. Subdirectories switch in Dired
13. Moving Over Subdirectories
14. Hiding Subdirectories
15. Updating the Dired Buffer
16. Dired and find
17. Editing the dired Buffer
18. View Images thumbnails
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顶, 坚持写完。

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** Register操作归纳

M-x view-register r
# 以下所有的命令最后一个letter, 可以自定义为a-z等任何字母.
1. Saving Positions in Registers
   C-x r r (register r)
   # 可以自定义为 C-x r a (能记住便好)
   C-x r j r (register jump to r)
2. Saving Text in Registers
   C-x r s t (register save to r) "text"
   # 修改为C-x r s t (t for text)
   C-x r i t (regiester insert to r) "text"
   M-x append-to-register t
   M-x prepend-to-register t
3. Saving Rectangles in Registers
   C-x r r e (rectangle region to e);
   # 此处省略一个r, 完整语义(C-x r r r e)
   # r been taken so use e for rectangle
   register rectangle region to e
   C-x r i e(rectangle insert to e )
4. Saving Window Configurations in Registers
   C-x r w w (register window to w)
   # 很好用的命令, 可以早上8点保存一个布局,晚上再看看, 临时记住的布局用winner-mode
   C-x r f f (register frameset to f)
   C-x r j f (jump)
5. Keeping Numbers in Registers
   No practical value.
6. Keeping File Names in Registers
   (set-register r '(file . name))
   (set-register ?z '(file . "/gd/gnu/emacs/19.0/src/ChangeLog")
   # prelude for bookmarks
7. Keyboard Macro Registers
   C-x r m (register bookmark for the current file)
   C-x r m  a-name
   C-x r M (not overwrite)
   C-x r b bookmark (jump or write)
   C-x r l (list all bookmarks)
   M-x bookmark-save
   M-x bookmark-load filename
   M-x bookmark-write filename
   M-x bookmark-delete bookmark
   M-x bookmark-insert-location bookmark


两步安装doom-emacs, 可以实现此项目内的所有操作.

Org Notebook的三个部分梳理:

  1. Documents Structure
  2. Table
  3. Hyper links


2 个赞

4. Emacs as a Notebook by Org

Appendix D: Email Management


  1. introduction 2) Documents 3)Table 4)Hyperlinks
- **Documents Structure**
 - Visibility Cycling
   + C-u C-u TAB :: Switch back to the startup visibility of the buffer
   + C-u C-u TAB :: org-set-startup-visibility
   + C-c C-k :: outline-show-branche
   + C-c C-x b :: org-tree-to-indirect-buffer
   + C-c C-j  org-goto :: Jump to a different place without changing the current outline visibility.
 - Structure Editing
   * C-RET :: org-insert-heading-respect-content
   * M-S-RET :: org-insert-todo-headin
   * C-S-RET :: org-insert-todo-heading-respect-content
   * TAB :: org-cycle
   * M-LEFT :: org-do-promote
   * M-RIGHT ::  org-do-demote
   * M-S-LEFT :: org-promote-subtree
   * M-S-RIGHT :: org-demote-subtree
   * M-UP :: org-move-subtree-up
   * M-DOWN :: org-move-subtree-down
   * C-c @ :: org-mark-subtree
   * C-c C-x C-w :: org-cut-subtree
   * C-c C-x M-w :: org-copy-subtree
   * C-c C-w :: org-refile
   * C-c ^  :: org-sort
   * C-x n s  :: org-narrow-to-subtree
   * C-x n b  :: org-narrow-to-block
   * C-x n w  :: widen
   * C-c * :: org-toggle-heading
 - Motion
 - Sparse Tree
   + C-c / :: org-sparse-tree
 - Plain Lists
   * TAB :: org-cycle
   * M-RET :: org-insert-heading
   * M-S-RET :: insert a new item with a checkbox
   * M-UP and M-DOWN :: move the items up and down
   * M-LEFT and M-RIGHT :: Decreae/increase the indentation
   * M-S-LEFT and M-S-RIGHT :: Decrease/increase indentations
   * C-c C-c :: toggle checkbox
   * C-c -  :: Cycle different bullets
   * S-LEFT and S-RIGHT :: cycles bullet styles
   * C-c *  :: Turn a plain list item into a headline
   * C-c C-* :: Turn the whole plain list into a subtree of the current heading. ()
   * C-c ^ :: Sort the plain list.
 - Drawer
   + C-c C-x d :: org-insert-drawer
   + C-c C-z  ::  Add a time-stamped note
 - Blocks
- **Tables**
 - Built-in Table Editor
   + C-c | :: org-table-create-or-convert-from-region
 - Column Width and Alignment
   + C-c C-c :: org-table-align
   + M-LEFT and M-RIGHT :: org-table-move-column-right
   + M-S-LEFT and M-S-RIGHT :: org-table-delete-column and org-table-insert-column
   + M-UP and M-DOWN :: org-table-move-row-up and org-table-move-row-down
   + S-UP and S-DOWN :: org-table-move-cell-up and org-table-move-cell-down
   + M-S-UP :: org-table-kill-row
   + M-S-DOWN :: org-table-insert-row
   + C-c - :: org-table-insert-hline
   + C-c RET :: org-table-hline-and-move
   + C-c ^ :: org-table-sort-lines
   + C-c +  :: org-table-sum
   + S-RET :: org-table-copy-down √
   + C-c TAB :: org-table-toggle-column-widt
   + C-u C-c TAB :: org-table-shrink
   + C-u C-u C-c TAB :: org-table-expand
 - Column Groups
   + <>  :: Column Groups
 - The Orgtbl Minor Mode
   + M-x orgtbl-mode ::
 - The Spreadsheet
 - Org Plot
- **Hyperlinks**
 + internal link :: =[[internal-link]]=
 + file:projects.org::regex
 + gnus:group
 + shell:ls
 + elisp:(find_file "elisp.org")
 + elisp:org-agenda

在竞聘管理员, 差了20多票, 抽空给个支持.

此处提到两处弥足珍贵的键位绑定竟然空了出来, 没有被emacs作为绑定键使用。因而有机会将其自定义为”向上半屏翻页“和“向下半屏翻页”。

meta-n 调用 scroll-half-page-down, meta-p调用scroll-half-page-up。

然而,这个方法并不好用,尤其是快速浏览org笔记的时候,会被晃得晕头转向,还不如繁琐的M-r C-l C-l好用,因为焦点一直会停在中间。

而因为M-r C-l C-l 过于繁琐,出于本能,需要快速浏览的时候,就会只是快速的按键 C-n 不断地下一行。


(scroll-up (/ (window-body-height) 2)))


(scroll-up (/ (window-body-height) 3)))

用了一段时间,尝试了不同的数值,三分很好用也符合直觉。速览的时候,M-n 然后 C-n再精确定位。

将函数名重新定义为 previous-multilines 与单行的previous-line保持一致。

(defun previous-multilines ()
  "scroll down half the page"
  (scroll-down (/ (window-body-height) 3)))

(defun next-multilines ()
  "scroll up half the page"
  (scroll-up (/ (window-body-height) 3)))

(global-set-key "\M-n" 'next-multilines) ;;custom
(global-set-key "\M-p" 'previous-multilines) ;;custom

1 个赞


退格删除则按键 backspace(Macbook上没有backspace键,可以将delete擦掉,改成backspace),backspace语义化对应backwords。

C-backspace 退格删除一个字符
M-backspace 退格删除一个word

进格删除的forward绑定到了字符 d(d for delete) 键上,

C-d 进格删除一个字符
M-d 进格删除一个word

C-k 进格删除到行尾
M-k 进格删除到句尾

C-x Backsapce 退格删除到行首


最后,忘掉delete键,d 就是语义化的 delete。多余的delete键会引发逻辑上混乱。

1 个赞

