求教:为什么没有自动加载 ~/.emacs

装了Emcs 27(我本机的是26.1) ,按照之前的套路,直接把本地的所有 Emacs 配置文件 scp 了过去(放在一个 git repo 里,之前也是放在华为云那里,因为经常一边更新那边同步),但是意外地不能正常加载我的 SLIME,最后发现是我的所有配置文件,包括 ~/.emacs 都不会自动加载,我手动加载 ~/.emacs 也失败,因为里面运行的库好像都不会自动加载(elpa),请教下这是什么情况,怎么解决?



呃。。好像是找到了,是自动生成了一个 ~/.config 文件夹,默认加载那里的配置文件。。。以前没遇到过这种情况


我Google了没搜到啊 :rofl:

C-h n view-emacs-news 查看一下emacs 27的变更。

* Startup Changes in Emacs 27.1

** Emacs now uses the XDG convention for init files.
For example, it looks for init.el in "~/.config/emacs/init.el", and
similarly for other init files.

The XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable (which defaults to "~/.config")
specifies the parent directory of these and other configuration files,
and will override their traditional locations (the home directory,
"~/.emacs.d", etc.).

Emacs will still look for init files in their traditional locations if
XDG_CONFIG_HOME does not exist, so invoking Emacs with
XDG_CONFIG_HOME='/nowhere' might be useful if your new-location init
files are scrambled, or if you want to force Emacs to ignore files
under XDG_CONFIG_HOME for some other reason.