emacs 跳转的问题

在 vim 里面有个跳转表,可以 用 c-o, c-i 来跳转

那 emacs 的操作方式是怎样的呢?

Ctrl+u Ctrl+Space, you can jump to the previous mark position

C-h SPC runs the command helm-all-mark-rings (found in global-map), which is an interactive autoloaded Lisp closure in ‘helm-ring.el’.

It is bound to C-h SPC, SPC, SPC, C-c h C-c SPC, .


Preconfigured ‘helm’ for ‘helm-source-global-mark-ring’ and ‘helm-source-mark-ring’.

ivy 中也有类似的命令:counsel-mark-ring.

谢谢,如果是在不同的 buffer ,比如 M- . 跳转定定义,要怎么跳回来呢


evil的C-o C-i很不好用,我基本都是g ; goto-last-change,还有手动m x ' xmark和goto。

M-, 配对命令