Sadly, the MS-Windows port of Emacs is basically not taken care of anymore. There are no active developers on board who seem to care about it, except yours truly. I see this in the (lack of) responses to Windows-specific bugs and issues reported to the bug tracker: no one chimes in, even if I deliberately leave a bug report without responses for many days. As my free time is severely limited, I only care about aspects that affect me directly (and the 64-bit build and GCC 14 are way outside that scope).
遗憾的是,Emacs 的 MS-Windows 移植版基本上已无人问津。除了我本人,似乎没有活跃的开发者关心它。这一点从针对 Windows 特定错误和问题的反馈(或缺乏反馈)中可见一斑:即使我故意留下一个多日无人回应的错误报告,也无人插话。由于我的空闲时间极其有限,我只关注直接影响我的方面(而 64 位构建和 GCC 14 则完全不在这一范围内)。
If no one comes forward and starts taking care of the MS-Windows issues, I’m very close to the decision of declaring the Windows build of Emacs “unsupported”, meaning anyone who needs it are “on their own”, from my POV as the (co)maintainer.
如果无人挺身而出并开始处理 MS-Windows 相关问题,我几乎已决定宣布 Emacs 的 Windows 版本为“不受支持”,这意味着从我作为(共同)维护者的角度来看,需要该版本的用户将“自行负责”。
This is not an April 1 joke: if there’s a significant community interested in being able to run and develop Emacs on MS-Windows, someone should volunteer to take care of the build on a day to day basis, or else the conclusion is that there’s no general interest in that platform among the Emacs community that is high enough to justify the investment.
这并非愚人节的玩笑:如果有足够多的社区成员对在 MS-Windows 上运行和开发 Emacs 感兴趣,那么应该有人自愿承担起日常的构建工作,否则结论将是,Emacs 社区中对该平台普遍的兴趣程度不足以证明投入的合理性。
You have been warned!