emacs-rime 临时英文模式有点卡


要定位问题的话需要一些更详细的信息,还有就是独立使用 emacs-rime 的时候会不会也卡。

原理上 inline ascii 模式也是由 librime 驱动的,应该和系统输入法的 Rime 里面按右 Shift 之后的效果是一样的。

Emacs是mac port 27.1,配置用的是spacemacs develop版, emacs-rime 版本是20201115. 单独使用emacs-rime不卡,但激活临时英文状态(比如按空格)以及激活后很很卡,输入英文稍快一点都会丢字母。

emacs-rime 相关配置为:

  (setq rime-librime-root "~/.emacs.d/private/librime/dist")
  (setq rime-emacs-module-header-root "/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/include")
  (setq rime-user-data-dir "~/Library/Rime-emacs")
  (setq rime-posframe-properties
        (list :background-color "#333333"
              :foreground-color "#dcdccc"
              :font "WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono-14"
              :internal-border-width 10))
  (setq default-input-method "rime"
        rime-show-candidate 'posframe)
  (setq rime-translate-keybindings
        '("C-f" "C-b" "C-n" "C-p" "C-g"))
  (setq rime-disable-predicates
  (setq mode-line-mule-info '((:eval (rime-lighter))))
  (setq rime-inline-ascii-trigger 'shift-l)

  (defun rime-evil-escape-advice (orig-fun key)
    "advice for `rime-input-method' to make it work together with `evil-escape'.
	Mainly modified from `evil-escape-pre-command-hook'"
    (if rime--preedit-overlay
	      ;; if `rime--preedit-overlay' is non-nil, then we are editing something, do not abort 
	      (apply orig-fun (list key))
      (when (featurep 'evil-escape)
	      (let* (
	             (fkey (elt evil-escape-key-sequence 0))
	             (skey (elt evil-escape-key-sequence 1))
	             (evt (read-event nil nil evil-escape-delay))
	         ((and (characterp evt)
		             (or (and (char-equal key fkey) (char-equal evt skey))
		                 (and evil-escape-unordered-key-sequence
			                    (char-equal key skey) (char-equal evt fkey))))
	         ((null evt) (apply orig-fun (list key)))
	          (apply orig-fun (list key))
	          (if (numberp evt)
		            (apply orig-fun (list evt))
	            (setq unread-command-events (append unread-command-events (list evt))))))))))

  (advice-add 'rime-input-method :around #'rime-evil-escape-advice)

单独使用是指在 emacs -Q 类似的环境下么?

可以先尝试用 profiler 看下.

profiler-start 输入一会,再 profiler-report 看下输出。

我说的不太清楚,我是说如果不激活临时英文模式不卡。没有试过emacs -Q. 我试一下profiler。

- command-execute                                                 729  62%
 - call-interactively                                             729  62%
  - funcall-interactively                                         729  62%
   - counsel-M-x                                                  716  61%
    - ivy-read                                                    675  58%
     - apply                                                      675  58%
      - ivy-posframe--read                                        675  58%
       - apply                                                    675  58%
        + #<compiled 0x1feb4cd47451>                              675  58%
    + counsel--M-x-externs                                         41   3%
   + org-self-insert-command                                       12   1%
   + evil-org-append-line                                           1   0%
+ flyspell-post-command-hook                                      232  20%
- rime-input-method                                               141  12%
 - apply                                                          141  12%
  - rime-evil-escape-advice                                       141  12%
   - if                                                           141  12%
    - if                                                          110   9%
     - progn                                                      110   9%
      - let*                                                      110   9%
       + cond                                                      25   2%
         read-event                                                 8   0%
    + apply                                                        31   2%
+ timer-event-handler                                              31   2%
+ which-key--hide-popup                                            12   1%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                  10   0%
+ ...                                                               1   0%
+ company-post-command                                              1   0%
+ my-yas-try-expanding-auto-snippets                                1   0%
+ evil-repeat-post-hook                                             1   0%

这句配置导致的,我注释后就不卡了。 注释掉之后就没法用jk 切换到 normal state.