使用 emacs-plus@29 master 最新 commit 会导致 emacs crash,然而 emacs-29.0.50 不会 (MacOS)


➜  ~ emacs
Error using execdir /opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@29/29.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/:
emacs: dlopen(/opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@29/29.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/../native-lisp/29.0.50-e9b7af9a/preloaded/window-0d1b8b93-0c17e2d3.eln, 0x0001): tried: '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-plus@29/29.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/../native-lisp/29.0.50-e9b7af9a/preloaded/window-0d1b8b93-0c17e2d3.eln' (no such file)

That’s puzzling. I skimmed through mailing lists, latest changes in Emacs master branch and in latest updates in brew-core, but found nothing of interest. What we know. (1) Only Emacs 29 is affected (at least according to your messages and CI); (2) it started to hit so badly only recently (on 22th in the night). While we search for a solution, you can still use Emacs 29 without native compilation. (by d12frosted)

I can confirm, the executable emacs-29.0.50 works when emacs (29) doesn’t. Quite bizarre, I didn’t even know that executable existed. It seems to be slightly different though, as my init.el takes more than twice as long to start up in it compared to emacs normally. (by thornjad)

ln -sf $(brew --prefix)/opt/emacs-plus@29/lib/emacs/29.0.50/native-lisp $(brew --prefix)/Cellar/emacs-plus@29/29.0.50/Emacs.app/Contents

这样就行了,参考 emacs@29 --with-native-comp linkage errors · Issue #476 · d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus · GitHub