什么是 Emacs-ng?

最近看到 Sacha 分享里,出现了一个 Emacs-ng,看上去是传统 Emacs 的分支?

简单来说,用 rust 重写 C 代码进度遥遥无期,不如我们在 native-comp 分支基础上给 emacs 加个 deno 运行时吧 :slight_smile:

Emacs-ng is an additive native layer over emacs, bringing features like Deno’s Javascript and Async I/O environment, Mozilla’s Webrender (experimental opt-in feature), and other features in development. emacs-ng’s approach is to utilize multiple new development approaches and tools to bring Emacs to the next level.

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1 个赞

真的是很有想法 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: