【求助】Emacs lisp 中 Jsonrpc 的使用问题




(defclass jsonrpc-connection ()
    :accessor jsonrpc-name
    :initarg :name
    :documentation "A name for the connection")
    :accessor jsonrpc--request-dispatcher
    :initform #'ignore
    :initarg :request-dispatcher
    :documentation "Dispatcher for remotely invoked requests.")
    :accessor jsonrpc--notification-dispatcher
    :initform #'ignore
    :initarg :notification-dispatcher
    :documentation "Dispatcher for remotely invoked notifications.")
    :accessor jsonrpc-last-error
    :documentation "Last JSONRPC error message received from endpoint.")
    :initform (make-hash-table)
    :accessor jsonrpc--request-continuations
    :documentation "A hash table of request ID to continuation lambdas.")
    :accessor jsonrpc--events-buffer
    :documentation "A buffer pretty-printing the JSONRPC events")
    :initarg :events-buffer-scrollback-size
    :accessor jsonrpc--events-buffer-scrollback-size
    :documentation "Max size of events buffer.  0 disables, nil means infinite.")
    :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
    :accessor jsonrpc--deferred-actions
    :documentation "Map (DEFERRED BUF) to (FN TIMER ID).  FN is\
a saved DEFERRED `async-request' from BUF, to be sent not later\
than TIMER as ID.")
    :initform 0
    :accessor jsonrpc--next-request-id
    :documentation "Next number used for a request"))
  :documentation "Base class representing a JSONRPC connection.
The following initargs are accepted:

:NAME (mandatory), a string naming the connection

:REQUEST-DISPATCHER (optional), a function of three
arguments (CONN METHOD PARAMS) for handling JSONRPC requests.
CONN is a `jsonrpc-connection' object, method is a symbol, and
PARAMS is a plist representing a JSON object.  The function is
expected to return a JSONRPC result, a plist of (:result
RESULT) or signal an error of type `jsonrpc-error'.

:NOTIFICATION-DISPATCHER (optional), a function of three
arguments (CONN METHOD PARAMS) for handling JSONRPC
notifications.  CONN, METHOD and PARAMS are the same as in

比如这个jsonrpc-connection的类,我如果想让他连接 localhost:8970,应该怎么实例化这个类呢?

(jsonrpc-connection-send CONN &key ID METHOD PARAMS RESULT ERROR)

Send a JSONRPC message to connection CONN.



安装 elisp-demos,然后 M-x descripte-function jsonrpc-process-connection 查看例子:

jsonrpc-process-connection is a byte-compiled Lisp function in ‘jsonrpc.el’.

(jsonrpc-process-connection &rest SLOTS)

Create a new object of class type ‘jsonrpc-process-connection’.

  This function has a compiler macro
    ‘jsonrpc-process-connection--anon-cmacro’.  See the manual for details.

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
 :name "JSONRPC server"
 :server t
 :host "localhost"
 :service 44444
 (lambda (_server client _message)
    :name (process-name client)
    :process client
    (lambda (_endpoint method params)
      (unless (memq method '(+ - * /))
        (signal 'jsonrpc-error
                '((jsonrpc-error-message . "Sorry, this isn't allowed")
                  (jsonrpc-error-code . -32601))))
      (apply method (append params nil))))))

 :name "JSONRPC client"
 :process (make-network-process
           :name "JSONRPC client process"
           :host "localhost"
           :service 44444))

  (get-process "JSONRPC client process")
 '* [3 4])

: 12


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