Implement drawing text with DirectWrite on MS-Windows. · emacs-mirror/emacs@edf37e8 · GitHub
(set-fontset-font t 'emoji (font-spec :family "Segoe UI Emoji"))
(setq org-bullets-bullet-list '("🐉" "🐠" "🐬" "🐤"))
Implement drawing text with DirectWrite on MS-Windows. · emacs-mirror/emacs@edf37e8 · GitHub
(set-fontset-font t 'emoji (font-spec :family "Segoe UI Emoji"))
(setq org-bullets-bullet-list '("🐉" "🐠" "🐬" "🐤"))
好消息!Windows 上的 Emacs 越来越好用了。
看来是时候长驻 Emacs 31了。
•7h ago•
GNU Emacs maintainer
Emacs 31 on MS-Windows doesn’t use DirectWrite for text shaping, it still uses HarfBuzz. We only use low-level DirectWrite APIs to draw the font glyphs produced by HarfBuzz, so as to be able to support color fonts.
MS-Windows 上的 Emacs 31 并未使用 DirectWrite 进行文本整形,仍采用 HarfBuzz。我们仅利用 DirectWrite 的底层 API 绘制 HarfBuzz 生成的字体字形,以便支持彩色字体。
So most of the rendering is unchanged in Emacs 31 on MS-Windows, even with the addition of this feature – and there’s no reason to change it, since HarfBuzz is being actively developed and supports all the latest innovations of text shaping. We want to stick to HarfBuzz because we don’t want to depend on MS’s decisions to deprecate their text-shaping engines, something that already happened with Uniscribe.
因此,在 MS-Windows 上的 Emacs 31 中,大部分渲染保持不变,即便加入了这一新特性——也没有理由改变它,因为 HarfBuzz 正在积极开发中,并支持所有最新的文本塑形创新。我们希望坚持使用 HarfBuzz,因为我们不想依赖微软决定弃用其文本塑形引擎的决策,这种情况已经在 Uniscribe 上发生过。
经测试,发现在 box/hbar/hollow
(setq-default cursor-type '(bar . 10))
[2024-11-22 周五 14:42] 更新:最新Commit的Emacs已不再出现光标字符闪烁问题。
这功能实现原来这么艰难么?我看 notepad.exe 都有…
Emacs 31 支持连字么?
27 开始用了 harfbuzz 就支持了,Linux BSD Windows macOS 至少都默认开启了
可不兴想念,除非你完全不用 magit
Windows 上用 magit 的确是令人发指的慢。 就没好的加速方法吗?