一直以来,用emacs和tuhdo大神的emacs + gtags + helm配置做日常的代码编辑和阅读器,其中有个配置甚为好用 ,‘M-.’ 配置为helm-gtags-dwim(该函数属于helm-gtags包),在mini buffer中可以先输入函数符号的部分前缀,进一步通过tab键,helm会给出候选函数对象给你选择,整个过程很顺畅。
helm-gtags-dwim + tab补全效果如下:
该函数的实现如下: 1274 ;;;###autoload
1275 (defun helm-gtags-dwim ()
1276 "Find by context. Here is
1277 - on include statement then jump to included file
1278 - on symbol definition then jump to its references
1279 - on reference point then jump to its definition."
1280 (interactive)
1281 (let ((line (helm-current-line-contents)))
1282 (if (string-match helm-gtags--include-regexp line)
1283 (let ((helm-gtags-use-input-at-cursor t))
1284 (helm-gtags-find-files (match-string-no-properties 1 line)))
1285 (if (and (buffer-file-name) (funcall helm-gtags-symbol-at-point-function))
1286 (helm-gtags-find-tag-from-here)
1287 (call-interactively 'helm-gtags-find-tag)))))
求emacs hacker帮忙解答,不想与新版emacs失之交臂啊