eaf 安装报错 Symbol’s function definition is void: json-parse-buffer

安装过程完全按照readme来的 一开始安装过程中报了一些错误,经过反复执行install-eaf.py后整个g安装过程不报错了

但是打开emacs时报错,报错位置如下,请问一下是什么原因呢? (defcustom eaf-apps-to-install nil “List of applications to install” :group 'eaf :type (eaf–json-to-defcustom-set))


直接emacs打开:Symbol’s function definition is void: json-parse-buffer 用emacs --debug-init,就报 (defcustom eaf-apps-to-install nil “List of applications to install” :group 'eaf :type (eaf–json-to-defcustom-set))

我的emacs版本是28.2, 没用spacemacs或doomemacs linux debian, python环境是用mamba, 看上去没有报库依赖相关问题

应该是你emacs本身有问题,不支持 json-parse-buffer


好的好的,我试试看 感谢大佬


下载了emacs 29.1, 编译的时候加了configure --with-json选项,configure结果报错如下:

configure: error: The following required libraries were not found: json Maybe some development libraries/packages are missing? To build anyway, give: –with-json=ifavailable as options to configure.

用新立得和apt-get install把libjson*dev等能找到的都加上安装了,还是不得要领 请问板上有没有也用debian的,如何解决这个问题?

找到了,居然叫做libjansson,apt-get install libjansson-dev至少configure能认出–with-json选项了


Native JSON was a build time option last time I built emacs. I imagine that it still is.

Get the source and follow the build instructions. You’ll need libjansson (and maybe the dev headers package if you’re building on, say, Ubuntu) installed properly and on your LD_PATH for detection during configure.

再打开编译出的emacs 29.1,就不报错了,也能看到EAF对应的各种命令,安装应该是成功了

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