
装pyright 和 gopls后,pyright可以识别,gopls 不被识别。 按照doom的指导文档,设置了gopath,然后在gopath也看到了依赖,但是不能工作,我想知道doom怎么找到go以及他的依赖?

 > :lang go
          ! Couldn't find gopls.
          ! Couldn't find gomodifytags. Manipulating struct tags will not work
          ! Couldn't find gotests. Generating tests will not work
          ! Couldn't find gore. REPL will not work
          ! Couldn't find guru. Refactoring commands (go-guru-*) won't work
Try installing a more recent version of golangci-lint, and please open a bug report if the issue persists in the latest release.  Thanks!


M-x getenv PATH 看下 go 下面的 bin 在里面吗

我的go 在 /usr/local/bin/go。 path里面有/usr/local/bin. 然后gopath是我的项目路径。,go的lsp都在gopath下面 。 //下面是官方样例

export GOPATH=~/work/go 
go install

我装完后这些包在我的 {gopath}/bin下面