谁能给 doom-emacs 提个 PR or issue

升级 emacs-vterm 到新版本 https://github.com/Dieken/doom-emacs/commit/2dcc9bab9f145145e7c029333e659949bf9a2e37

doom emacs 库不让陌生人提 issue 提 pr。。。

Henrik 今天刚锁的,他在 discord 里通知了,准备搭建个 discourse 来替代 discord 和 github 的一些功能。

Henrik Today at 3:55 PM

Hey folks, I’m back! As some of you know, I’m working on a Discourse server for Doom Emacs and it goes live some time next week. Our Discord isn’t going anywhere, but Discourse will replace it as our primary platform for user support, and replace Github as our issue tracker. More on that when we get there!

Meanwhile, here’s a few things going on right now:

  • Our github issue tracker is on temporary lock down; I’m refusing issues and PRs while I clean it up and transition to Discourse.
  • Our “Development Roadmap” and “Plugins Under Consideration” github project boards have been closed and moved to Discourse.
  • Our in-repo docs will be redesigned (and docs/faq.org and docs/workflows.org removed), so I won’t accept PRs for them at this time
  • As for our Discord:
    • All but one help channel will be locked down and, later, removed.
    • #protips will be replaced with a “Tips 'n Tricks” thread on our Discourse – most posts have already been transferred.
    • Our project and help categories will be merged, and some channels removed: e.g. #upstream and #documentation
    • Self-assigned roles will get their own channel (having it in #readme only confused newcomers).
    • More social channels! I’m considering:
      • #weebery, #books, and #tv
      • A programming category for language-specific channels (e.g. #emacs-lisp, #latex, and #org)
    • More self-assignable roles! I’m considering:
      • OS roles: OpenSUSE, Fedora, BSD
      • Language roles: Typescript, Kotlin, Racket, Perl/Raku, PureScript
      • A native-comp role
      • Windows+Native and Windows+WSL
      • Pronoun roles

That about sums things up. If you have questions or suggestions, find me in #meta. I’m open to more channel/role ideas, if there’s enough interest for them.


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