用 consult-emms 全局切换 EMMS 中的曲目

consult-emms 提供了非常完善的 emms 索引:支持 artist、album、track 和 genre 四种类型的检索,结合 Global interactive Emacs functions 中的函数,就可以全局切换 emms 中的曲目,效果如下: Peek 2022-08-09 00-55

不过需要稍微修改下 consult-emms--playlist 这个函数:

(with-eval-after-load 'consult-emms
  (defun consult-emms--playlist (buffer)
    "Select a track from EMMS buffer BUFFER.

BUFFER is a string, the name of a buffer."
    ;; `consult-emms--playlist-source-from-buffer' does most of the work
    ;; of forming the args for us, and it's a good idea to avoid code
    ;; duplication, so we use it here. BUT, it forms a source for
    ;; `consult--multi', which is different from the arg list taken by
    ;; `consult--read', so we have to transform it a bit.
    (let* ((raw-args (consult-emms--playlist-source-from-buffer buffer))
	       (items (plist-get raw-args :items))
	       (action (plist-get raw-args :action))
	       ;; TODO Get this list programatically
	       (allowed '(:prompt :predicate :require-match ;; Keywords in `consult--read'
		                      :history :default :keymap
		                      :category :initial :narrow
		                      :add-history :annotate :state
		                      :preview-key :sort :group
	       ;; Use only arg keys used by `consult--read'
	       (filtered-args (cl-loop for (key value) on raw-args by 'cddr
				                   if (member key allowed)
				                   collect key and collect value))
	       (read-args (append `(:prompt ,(format "EMMS playlist <%s>: " buffer))
	       ;; Lots of the actions use text properties as variables, so
	       ;; make sure they persist through minibuffer choice
	       (minibuffer-allow-text-properties t)
	       (raw-track (apply 'consult--read `(,items ,@read-args)))
           (track (cl-loop for item in items
                           until (string= item raw-track)
                           finally return item)))
      ;; Using the action extracted above guarantees that the behaviour
      ;; will be the same as with the corresponding source
      (unless (string-empty-p raw-track)
        (funcall action track)))))

这样个人感觉 emms 的体验就和主流音乐播放器差不多了,甚至功能更强。

1 个赞

交互的工具使用的是什么?挺好看的。rofi ?

是 rofi,主题是 carbonized

mac 用户表示羡慕,目前只能用 choose。但功能和外观都还是差了一点。