

你是执行了 M-xcompile 吗?

我是加了个退出函数设置,编译完成后,光标会跳到 compilation-mode 的 buffer,方便直接按 q 就退出了。

(use-package compile
  :bind ([f6] . recompile)
  (setq-default compilation-scroll-output 'first-error)
  (setq compilation-finish-functions
        (lambda (buffer &optional args)
          (select-window (get-buffer-window buffer)))))

以下设置在编译无错的情况下自动隐藏compilation buffer

;; hide the compilation buffer automatically is not a good idea.
;; if compiling command is a unit test command
;; It's better let user decide when to hide something
(defvar my-do-bury-compilation-buffer t
  "Hide compilation buffer if compile successfully.")

(defun my-compilation-finish-hide-buffer-on-success (buffer str)
  "Bury BUFFER whose name marches STR.
This function can be re-used by other major modes after compilation."
   ;;there were errors
   ((string-match "exited abnormally" str)
    (message "There IS compilation errors, press C-x ` to visit!"))

   ;;no errors, make the compilation window go away in 0.5 seconds
    (when (and my-do-bury-compilation-buffer
               (buffer-name buffer)
               (string-match "*compilation*" (buffer-name buffer)))
      ;; @see http://emacswiki.org/emacs/ModeCompile#toc2
      (bury-buffer "*compilation*")
      (message "NO compilation error.")))))

;; @see http://xugx2007.blogspot.com.au/2007/06/benjamin-rutts-emacs-c-development-tips.html
(setq compilation-finish-functions
4 个赞

多谢大佬指点,你这个设置好,比较人性化,少按很多的 q :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


其实是compilation-mode, major mode. 从源文件进入mode之后就再也回不到编辑模式了。 q会退出到一个当前目录的Dired mode,选择之前的源文件之后再次回到compilation-mode。


可能是你的配置做了定制,才会这样。你试试 emacs -q 启动,然后去编译看看。