Company: backend company-capf error "ValueError: ‘line‘ parameter is not in a valid range." with args (candidates dic)
今天一早起来写 python
这个到底是 company
我的 lsp
配置最近从 Chen Bin 那抄的,稍微改动了一下,没改动之前也是这个错误,只不过报错的对象变成了 LSP
(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode
;; enable log only for debug
(setq lsp-log-io nil)
;; use `evil-matchit' instead
(setq lsp-enable-folding nil)
;; no real time syntax check
;; (setq lsp-diagnostic-package :none)
;; handle yasnippet by myself
(setq lsp-enable-snippet nil)
;; use `company-ctags' only.
;; Please note `company-lsp' is automatically enabled if it's installed
(setq lsp-enable-completion-at-point t)
;; turn off for better performance
(setq lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting nil)
;; use find-fine-in-project instead
(setq lsp-enable-links nil)
;; auto restart lsp
(setq lsp-restart 'auto-restart)
;; don't watch 3rd party javascript libraries
(push "[/\\\\][^/\\\\]*\\.\\(json\\|html\\|jade\\)$" lsp-file-watch-ignored)
;; don't ping LSP language server too frequently
(defvar lsp-on-touch-time 0)
(defun my-lsp-on-change-hack (orig-fun &rest args)
;; do NOT run `lsp-on-change' too frequently
(when (> (- (float-time (current-time))
lsp-on-touch-time) 120) ;; 2 mins
(setq lsp-on-touch-time (float-time (current-time)))
(apply orig-fun args)))
(advice-add 'lsp-on-change :around #'my-lsp-on-change-hack))
(provide 'config-lsp)
另外,这是 company-mode
;; -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t; -*-
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
;; evil has already integrated company-mode, see evil-integration.el
(defvar my-company-zero-key-for-filter nil
"If t, pressing 0 calls `company-filter-candidates' per company's status.")
(with-eval-after-load 'company
(defun my-company-number ()
"Forward to `company-complete-number'.
Unless the number is potentially part of the candidate.
In that case, insert the number."
(let* ((k (this-command-keys))
(re (concat "^" company-prefix k))
(n (if (equal k "0") 10 (string-to-number k))))
((or (cl-find-if (lambda (s) (string-match re s)) company-candidates)
(> n (length company-candidates))
(looking-back "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*" (line-beginning-position)))
(self-insert-command 1))
((and (eq n 10) my-company-zero-key-for-filter)
(company-complete-number n)))))
;; @see
(push 'company-cmake company-backends)
(push 'company-c-headers company-backends)
;; (push 'company-yasnippet company-backends)
;; (push 'company-capf company-backends)
;; can't work with TRAMP
(setq company-backends (delete 'company-ropemacs company-backends))
;; @see
;; Using digits to select company-mode candidates
(let ((map company-active-map))
(lambda (x)
(define-key map (format "%d" x) 'my-company-number))
(number-sequence 0 9)))
(setq company-auto-commit t)
;; characters "/ ) . , ;"to trigger auto commit
(setq company-auto-commit-chars '(92 41 46 44 59))
;; company-ctags is much faster out of box. No further optimiation needed
(unless (featurep 'company-ctags) (local-require 'company-ctags))
;; (setq company-backends (delete 'company-capf company-backends))
;; I don't like the downcase word in company-dabbrev
(setq company-dabbrev-downcase nil
;; make previous/next selection in the popup cycles
company-selection-wrap-around t
;; Some languages use camel case naming convention,
;; so company should be case sensitive.
company-dabbrev-ignore-case nil
;; press M-number to choose candidate
company-show-numbers t
company-idle-delay 0.2
company-clang-insert-arguments nil
company-require-match nil
company-ctags-ignore-case t ; I use company-ctags instead
;; @see
company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
;; Press SPACE will accept the highlighted candidate and insert a space
;; "M-x describe-variable company-auto-complete-chars" for details.
;; So that's BAD idea.
(setq company-auto-complete nil)
;; NOT to load company-mode for certain major modes.
;; Ironic that I suggested this feature but I totally forgot it
;; until two years later.
(setq company-global-modes
;; (with-eval-after-load 'company-ispell
;; (defun my-company-ispell-available-hack (orig-func &rest args)
;; ;; in case evil is disabled
;; (my-ensure 'evil-nerd-commenter)
;; (cond
;; ((and (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
;; (or (not (company-in-string-or-comment)) ; respect advice in `company-in-string-or-comment'
;; ;; I renamed the api in new version of evil-nerd-commenter
;; (not (if (fboundp 'evilnc-pure-comment-p) (evilnc-pure-comment-p (point))
;; (evilnc-is-pure-comment (point)))))) ; auto-complete in comment only
;; ;; only use company-ispell in comment when coding
;; nil)
;; (t
;; (apply orig-func args))))
;; (advice-add 'company-ispell-available :around #'my-company-ispell-available-hack))
;; (defun my-add-ispell-to-company-backends ()
;; "Add ispell to the last of `company-backends'."
;; (setq company-backends
;; (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-ispell)))
;; ;; {{ setup company-ispell
;; (defun toggle-company-ispell ()
;; "Toggle company-ispell."
;; (interactive)
;; (cond
;; ((memq 'company-ispell company-backends)
;; (setq company-backends (delete 'company-ispell company-backends))
;; (message "company-ispell disabled"))
;; (t
;; (my-add-ispell-to-company-backends)
;; (message "company-ispell enabled!"))))
;; (defun company-ispell-setup ()
;; ;; @see
;; (when (boundp 'company-backends)
;; (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
;; (my-add-ispell-to-company-backends)
;; ;; @see
;; (cond
;; ((and (boundp 'ispell-alternate-dictionary)
;; ispell-alternate-dictionary)
;; (setq company-ispell-dictionary ispell-alternate-dictionary))
;; (t
;; (setq company-ispell-dictionary (file-truename (concat my-emacs-d "misc/english-words.txt")))))))
;; message-mode use company-bbdb.
;; So we should NOT turn on company-ispell
;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'company-ispell-setup)
;; }}
(provide 'config-company)