21天学会 Emacs 之第 18 天:新手如何存活





Spacemacs Rocks Season 2 (Day 18)

Topic: How to survive in Spacemacs

I want a feature from other editors, How could I implement it in Emacs?


Emacs don’t behavior like the other editors I used before


  1. Some defaults are worth learning, but some are not

    Ask in emacs-china.org

  2. Stick to the defaults will help in the long run

I think Mac is the best platform. You could easily adapt yourself to Emacs (CMD A/C/X)

I have a full time job, I can’t bear the efficiency lose when editing with Emacs/Spacemacs

I want to setup a IDE to do the job for me.


  1. C/C++/Java/C# IDE is not worth the time

  2. Javascript/HTML/CSS don’t need a IDE

  3. Python/Ruby/Go/PHP/Clojure/Erlang could have some IDE feature in Emacs

In the first beginning, try to use the right tool for the right job.

Now: I’m using XCode for C++/OC programming, Android Studio for Java programming. (No plugin, no keybindings change)

I also use iTerm2/tmux for the shell stuff, the shell in Emacs is slow…

Don’t try to make the perfect GTD tool with Org-mode

It’s very hard for beginners, I also spent too much time to configure the workflow I’m using now.

Learn Org-mode feature step by step, don’t try to become the master in the first day.

Some tips for beginners to avoid common issues

  1. my emacs is frozen, how?

    Because Emacs is a single thread app, sometimes you just trigger some time consuming task.

    pkill -SIGUSR2 -i emacs
  2. My Emacs is very slow

    Use the following two commands to profile the CPU usage in Emacs

  3. My Emacs start-up time is long…

/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs --timed-requires --profile

I have lots unknown of Emacs…

  1. Take it easy and don’t panic, Emacs is a lifelong text editor
  2. Learning Emacs one piece a time everyday.
  3. Visit reddit/emacs-china.org regularly for keeping update with the community
  4. Keep using Emacs daily and reshaping your secret weapon gradually.
1 个赞

Android Studio为何不用插件……ideaVim是各大平台vim插件中几乎最好最全的……


之前是 vim 党的时候,所有的编辑器和 IDE 都要安排 VIM 插件,但是使用 emacs 以后,慢慢觉得没有 vim 模式也可以接受了。习惯问题,没必要纠结。