21 天学会 Emacs 之第 15 天



Spacemacs Rocks Season 2 (Day 15)

Topic: Window, project and layout operations

Layout related operations

  1. What’s layout in spacemacs? How to use layout in spacemacs?
  2. SPC l L load layout file
  3. SPC l l to switch between layouts
  4. SPC l s to save layout to file
  5. SPC l <tab> switch between the last layout and the current layout
  6. SPC l o custom layout
  7. SPC l R rename layout
  8. SPC l ? to open the help window, learn more operations about laout

Window related operations

  1. SPC w - split window blew
  2. SPC w / split window right
  3. SPC w . window micro state
  4. SPC w 2/3 use predefined window layout
  5. SPC w = balance window
  6. SPC w b switch to minibuffer
  7. SPC w d delete the current window
  8. SPC w h/j/k/l move to window
  9. SPC w m maximize window
  10. SPC w H/J/K/L move window to position with evil direction key
  11. SPC w u/U window undo/redo
  12. SPC w o switch to other frame
  13. SPC w F make a new frame
  14. SPC w 1/2/3/4 goto window with window number
  15. SPC w w go to other window one by one
  16. SPC w W ace window
  17. SPC t g toggle golden ratio
  18. SPC t - center point

project related operations

  1. SPC p f visit files in project
  2. SPC p b visit buffers in project
  3. SPC p p switch to project
  4. SPC p l switch to project and create a new layout
  5. find-file-in-project is a really handy package

Fore more about the project related operations, dig into it with which-key.

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