
用的node ./install-eaf-win32.js

  1. 我这里用的msys2装了很多包,所以刚开始用的msys2里的pip安装依赖装不上一个劲报错,卸载掉换成windows的python安装程序安装的就好了
  2. 安装依赖时node build报错,我查了一下很多都说node12不稳定,我换成了node10 build通过
  3. 有一次创建vue/dist类似这样的路径权限报错,我用管理员权限重新打开了msys2
  4. 报错
    { Error: Command failed: D:\Software\msys2\tmp\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1595_Basic.exe /verysilent 
    /nocancel /norestart 
    The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

(use-package eaf
  :load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/emacs-application-framework" ; Set to "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/eaf" if installed from AUR
  (use-package epc :defer t :ensure t)
  (use-package ctable :defer t :ensure t)
  (use-package deferred :defer t :ensure t)
  (use-package s :defer t :ensure t)
  (eaf-browser-continue-where-left-off t)
  (eaf-setq eaf-browser-enable-adblocker "true")
  (eaf-bind-key scroll_up "C-n" eaf-pdf-viewer-keybinding)
  (eaf-bind-key scroll_down "C-p" eaf-pdf-viewer-keybinding)
  (eaf-bind-key take_photo "p" eaf-camera-keybinding)
  (eaf-bind-key nil "M-q" eaf-browser-keybinding)) ;; unbind, see more in the Wiki


  1. emacs的eaf open browser 没反应


  1. open image 也没反应。。 截图看下进程:

  2. 从emacs执行eaf-install-dependencies时候会报错(终端执行node install-eaf-win32已经不报错了,这里看起来似乎是路径的问题)

Requirement already satisfied: pywin32>=1.0 in d:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from jupyter-core->qtconsole) (227)
Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in d:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0->ipython>=5.0.0->ipykernel>=4.1->qtconsole) (0.2.5)
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'd:\Software\Emacs\x86_64\bin\package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'd:\Software\Emacs\x86_64\bin\package.json'
npm WARN bin No description
npm WARN bin No repository field.
npm WARN bin No README data
npm WARN bin No license field.

d:\Software\Emacs\x86_64\bin\ 报错从这个路径找文件找不到,不知道为什么去这里找了,我配置的HOME 和getenv HOME都是 Software\msys2\bin 的


现在反正就是依赖装完了, emacs里用eaf啥也打不开。。


1 个赞